Saturday, May 1, 2021

Questions For May Day

Ask And They Shall Recede

May 1, 2021

It is the first day of May, when the thoughts of some (not nearly enough) turn to workers’ rights, unions, and the state of the working class. In America, one party, the Democratic Party, has at least a tentative relationship with and affinity for workers. The not-so-loyal opposition, the Republic Party, is now almost perpetually the minority party in terms of actual votes, not only on the national level, but across many states as well, and they are consistently beating the working class of this country over the head with a figurative lead pipe, while literally pushing them into more and more desperate straights, while funneling the nation’s wealth from those with little to those with too much. Yet the Republic Party’s faithful minority continues to provide enough support to keep the party in much greater power than they deserve. Despite the clear and constant preference of the electorate, this party has been able to rig the system in its favor by hook and by crook, giving them a degree of control over both dialogue and legislation, which they very richly do not deserve. Nonetheless, the struggle must continue and questions must be asked, whether there be answers or not.

Why do so many Americans insist on voting to have themselves shot in the foot by their elected officials? Why do they prefer leaders who want to send jobs overseas? Leaders who at best let them languish under the crushing COVID-19 pandemic – telling them it was a hoax, then that they should ingest disinfectant? Leaders who don’t want to build safe roads, bridges and other critical infrastructure?

How is it that we see a severe distrust of authority on so many fronts, particularly from supporters of the Republic Party, yet so many of those who scream their distrust of government the loudest are the same people who crave fascism – whether knowingly or otherwise?

If these damaged dimwits fear the “deep state” so much, how are they okay with their beloved Republic Party making laws in state after state – like Georgia's Orwellian-named Election Integrity Act – that allow these states to literally reverse election results of which they do not approve? What if the boot was up the other ass?

How is it that these self-described patriots support a party that perpetually and rabidly raises up the wealthy at the expense of the working class?

How the hell should I know?

These have been your Paying Attention Questions For May Day.

You're welcome.

What are you wondering on May Day?

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