Saturday, May 22, 2021

Who's Their Daddy?

Death To America, By Americans

May 22, 2021

In a turn of events as unexpected as the sky being above and the ground below, Mitch Fucking McConnell and Kevin “Turmp’s Little Bitch” McCarthy have come out against the formation of an independent, bipartisan commission devoted to getting at the truth of what happened in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 when hundreds of TrumpAnon supporters attacked the Capital at the behest of their hero – a mentally and morally defective, narcissistic conman – who incited his disturbed hordes to overturn the legitimate election of Joseph Biden and to execute a violent coup of the duly elected government of the United States of America (and perhaps execute Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence and any number of elected officials in the bargain).

The McDickless Brothers are concerned that the process will be politicized and that they will not be the ones doing it. Most Ratpublicans are also worried that the truth of what occurred on January 6th will make them look bad. To be fair, the truth of most situations makes them look like horrible people who support corporations over people, profits over planetary survival, racism over civil society and more and more with each passing day, fascism over democracy.

“Mein führer, I can walk!”

Both McConnell and McCarthy made statements shortly after Turmp’s insurrectionists stormed and defiled the Capital, placing blame and responsibility exactly where everyone outside of MAGAnon World knew it belonged.

If I didn’t know better, I might think these two fascist dirtbags had something to hide. Oh wait, but I know better.

“The mob was fed lies, they were provoked by [Trump].” McConnell said in an uncharacteristically honest statement on the Senate floor on January 19th. Breaking further wind with his mouth on February 13th he added, “President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.”

McCarthy also took to the House floor soon after Turmp’s bloody insurrection to call out the recently, humiliatingly defeated Oversized Orange Colostomy Bag With Fake Hair for instigating the most deadly and disgusting day in domestic politics in more than a century. McCarthy mewled, “He should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. These facts require immediate action by President Trump to accept his share of responsibility, quell the brewing unrest and ensure President-elect Biden is able to successfully begin his term.” But that was way back in January, before Daddy Turmp spanked McCarthy’s sorry ass.

McCarthy, sent his deputy to negotiate terms with Democrats for the creation of a bipartisan commission, and got everything he wanted, because Democrats believe in democracy and reality. In our two-party system, they are alone in this. McCarthy and McConnell both claimed to be open to the idea of a bipartisan committee, presumably until they got the phone call from Mor-on Lago. There are apparently some in DC and the beltway media who actually took these lying sacks of shit at their word. As if they would ever do anything that did not serve their own interests and/or those of their lord and slaver.

The Swining

The McDickless Brothers issued a joint statement:

“We are not generally opposed to bipartisan, or especially grossly partisan commissions to politicize investigate untoward activities such as Bill Clinton having an affair, or completely fabricated scandals like Hillary Clinton’s heinous deeds in Benghazi, or Hillary Clinton’s dangerous emails, or Hunter Biden doing whatever it is that Herr Turmp and Mr. Giuliani say he did. But we must draw the line somewhere. And that line runs right down the aisle we have sworn an oath to never cross for any reason, even the fate of America’s very democracy. It should be crystal clear by now that we do not have, nor have we ever had, even the slightest allegiance to any such nonsense.

When we get the great and glorious Donald Turmp re-elected, either this August or in 2024, we will make January 6th an annual celebration of the great patriot/tourists who tried to reclaim the Capital in the name of making America great again.

Needless to say, we would be happy to investigate Black Lives Matter, or the rampant voter fraud that removed the greatest president this country has ever known, or try once again to ruin Hillary Clinton’s life with a few more glorious Benghazi hearings, even though we got what we wanted out of the first 10 hearings* – ruining her election chances. And obviously we would gladly rehash her fake email scandal. Those were the good old days.”

The assholes doth obstruct too much methinks.

* Kevin McCarthy, circa 2015: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.” And just in case anyone is keeping score, Benghazi: 4 Americans dead; Turmp’s Capital Riot: at least 5 Americans dead and democracy on the brink.

Bruce Cockburn - Call It Democracy

I. Mangrey, still phrasey after all these years. 

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