Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fascism, It’s Not Just For Foreigners Anymore

Fascism, It's What's For Breakfast

May 25, 2021

Many have touched on today’s topic to varying degrees. It is surely time to approach this issue with the urgency it demands in all caps. No, it’s not the dire climate crisis*, though that is undoubtedly at the top of my list on almost any given day. Fortunately, unlike the disloyal opposition, most of us are able to process conflicting views as well as walk and chew gum at the same time, the time to call a fascist a fascist without hesitation or reservation or the mincing of words, is past due.

Copyright 2017

The republican party will simply not be satisfied with anything other than permanent absolute power. They have proven themselves unwilling to accept elections that do not turn out the way they want. They have proven themselves willing to sell themselves to a criminal, racist, authoritarian cult leader who was impeached twice, currently under criminal investigation in several states, and was soundly defeated at the ballot box (twice in fact). It matters not that he is the fatted goose that laid the giant goose-egg. The giant orange goose-egg.

Republicans have a long history of stacking the deck at every point in the electoral process, whether it be through gerrymandering, purging voter rolls, closing polling places, frightening voters with threats of arrest, sabotaging the Constitutionally-mandated United States Postal Service to interfere with the collection of mail-in ballots, caterwauling about rampant voter fraud that does not exist, and of course when all else failed, the ultimate gambit of having the Supreme Court stop the counting of votes and outright appointing the loser of an election as president. Right now, they are shamelessly at work, at a pace that is stunning even for them, cutting off access to the ballot box in what the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled “target[ed] African Americans with almost surgical precision.”

Naturally, this did not stop Republicans from their primary mission – permanent, absolute power – and under the watchful eye, fitful “hair” and tiny thumb of Donald Turmp. The party of Turmp continues the tradition by desperately and relentlessly continuing their insane** attempt to steal elections with which they disagree. The latest of course, the long-ago-decided and repeatedly verified and certified election of Joseph Biden that features their malignant Orwellian mantra, “Stop the Steal!

Orwell - Earliest known mic drop

Republicans tried to steal the 2020 election with every single one of the aforementioned dirty tricks, dastardly deeds and alternative facts. But after once again losing the popular vote, and this time losing the Electoral College as well, that was not enough for some, who decided it was time to up the ante. Though holding nothing more than a pair of twos, the fascist party of Turmp staged an unprecedented assault on the Capitol Building in an attempt to assassinate Turmp’s vice president, the Speaker of the House, and any other elected officials Turmp and his thugs deemed insufficiently compliant to the soundly defeated as part of a coup d’état.

In response to the deadly insurrection, Ratpublicans are fighting with all their hypocritical might against efforts to convene a commission to get at the truth of the attempted coup. Even though the commission would be completely bipartisan. Nonetheless, they are whining at the tops of their lungs that any such investigation would be horribly partisan.

What about the murderous mob that trashed the Capitol? Were they bipartisan? Or were they just following orders from their twisted leader, and therefore wholly and irrevocably on one side? Or simply as the attorney for the Shameful Shaman told Talking Points Memo, “A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all fucking short-bus people. These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum… Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.” Class A lawyer f’sure.

Or did we simply witness a bunch of disgruntled tourists, apoplectic at not being able to gain access to the Capitol gift shop? How can we ever know when the “alleged” criminals have the power to stop any investigation before it starts? I bet Derek Chauvin is jealous as hell.

Naturally, all this happy horseshit, coupled with the all the MAGAnon followers, who ironically are not all that dissimilar to the description laid out by the Q Shaman’s lawyer, leaves us with nearly two-thirds of Republican voters still convinced that Joe Biden is not the legitimately elected president of the United States – at this point, not so much united as untied.

So Many Nazis, So Little Time

Ratpublicans are flagrant fascists who would just as soon stop wasting time with elections, and particularly have no problem with blatantly and consistently purging people of color from voter rolls for no reason whatsoever (well, one reason), but insist that wearing masks to protect people from a deadly virus is just like the Nazi Holocaust.

Witness this actual quote from a sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives: “We can look back at a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second class citizens, so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany. And this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about.” The smarmy shit-for-brains who came up with this asinine analogy, Marjorie Taylor Goon, decided her best move was to double down by dialing the anti-Semitism up to 11, “And I think any rational Jewish person didn't like what happened in Nazi Germany, and any rational Jewish person doesn't like what's happening with overbearing mask mandates and overbearing vaccine policies.” I think I liked her better when she was only blaming the California wildfires on Jewish space lasers.

So, did Ratpublican leadership demand she apologize? Censure her? Take away her committee assignments? Oh wait, she already lost those for saying Nancy Pelosi deserved “death” for “treason” several months ago. Did they demand her resignation? Did they threaten to expel this anti-reality, anti-Semitic psycho from Congress? Or did they just ignore the whole thing because the Ratpublican Party is the party of fascist, neo-Nazi racists like Donald Turmp? Take a wild guess.

And for the Nazi icing on the fascist cake, Republican voters in North Carolina elected an actual Hitler aficionado, Twenty-five-year-old Madison Cawthorn whose bucket list included visiting his Führer’s winter retreat (he’s already managed to check that one off). Cawthorn recently vied for dumbest motherfucker in Congress when he stated, “Imagine if you had George Washington when he was trying to get the British to capitulate at Yorktown, except he had a mask on his face. That’s not who we’re descended from. We’re descended from men and women of valor who stood up for their own personal liberty, and that’s what my friends and I were doing on the House floor…[yada, yada, yada].” We’re also descended from apes, except some of us are still barely en route.

So, in closing, we must fuck these fascists before they fuck us…any further. they will not stop on their own. 


Gratuitous plug for the environment

**Literally; if you subscribe to the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I. Mangrey, not following orders, as usual.

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