Thursday, March 17, 2022

Supremely Disconcerting, Part II

Clowns Come A Courtin’

March 17, 2022

Unless something drastic is done with the Extreme Court, American justice, such as it has been, will be nothing but just another word for nothing left to lose. It you thought the Citizens United decision was devastating, and I’m guessing you did, and if you thought the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 via Shelby County v. Holder, which I’m certain you did, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. With at least three rabid radical right-wing religious rubes, two of whom sit in stolen seats, and one of whom is Mr. Ginni Thomas, the sewer’s the limit.

After the Shelby decision, which saw Chief Justice John Roberts, who had been dreaming for decades of destroying voting rights, cast the deciding vote, Roberts justified his heinous vote by implying that racism in America was a thing of the past. All those pre-Reconstruction, seditious Slave States had been essentially required to report to their electoral probation officer since they could not be trusted to allow black folks to vote. These states had according to Roberts, done their time, done been rehabilitated and should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want going forward, especially since Barack Obama was sitting president.

Can you guess what happened next? You don’t have to guess, because you know damn well what happened next. Before the disappearing ink had even dried on this horrendous, racist decision, all those White-Makes-Right states started turning back the hands of electoral time. Naturally, they did not turn back all the clocks, just the ones where most of the black folks lived.

Deconstructing Reconstruction

The Turmp-addled Extreme Court has once again stood up for racist gerrymandering, this time overturning a lower court decision to stop electoral shenanigans in Alabama. Roberts sided with the three powerless liberals on the court on strictly procedural grounds, but that was not enough to stop white-activist Justice Mr. Ginni Thomas and his even whiter cohorts from continuing their assault on the Voting Rights Act.

New reporting has revealed that Ginni Thomas was very busy hawking Tmurp’s Big Lie and working feverishly to support the insurrection and overturn Joe Biden’s election.

The current make-up of the Roberts Court

The Extreme Court continues to hack away at voting rights in general with the express purpose of making it more difficult for black people to vote, and of achieving one-party rule in perpetuity. A recent example of which was the Court meddling in election laws of Alabama. States’ rights bitches! 

Elena Kagan was not pleased with her colleagues siding with the racists: “It does a disservice to the District Court which meticulously applied the Court’s longstanding voting rights precedent. And most of all it does a disservice to Black Alabamians who under that precedent have had their electoral power diminished.” 

“Alabama is not entitled to keep violating Black Alabamians’ voting rights just because the court’s order came down in the first month of an election year.” 

John Roberts thought his colleagues should have left the lower court’s decision alone: “I respectfully dissent…the District Court properly applied existing law in an extensive opinion with no apparent errors for our correction.” 

I wonder if John Roberts still believes that racism is over and dark money in politics is working out really well. Just kidding. He never believed any such thing. 

Side SCOTUS Note: Unfortunately for Tmurp, the justices he was conned into appointing by Bitch McConnell, as directed by the anti-democratic Federalist Society, were only brought on to rid the nation of legalized abortion, to erase voting rights for people of color and replace the ballot with the buy-out by making corporations people and money speech. They were not installed – against the wishes of the majority of the American public – to protect Donald Tmurp. And so, the Court had a momentary lapse of treason and denied Tmrup’s appeal to keep documents that belong to the American people hidden from the Jan 6 Commission. I bet he wishes he’d had a bigger toilet.

But Wait, That’s Just The Tip Of The Shitberg

This artificially (i.e., stolen) ballooned radical-white-wing-extremist court is more than willing to toss decades of laws, regulations and democracy into the trash bin of history. If anyone still thinks there might be unintended consequences if a Democratic administration dares to expand the Supreme Court, just take a look at the intended consequences that the current Nein…I mean Nine are well on their way to implementing. They are poised to make the Tmurp days, which made the Bush years look like Camelot, look like Shangri-La. Unfortunately, it is likely that any attempt to do something like this would require the elimination of Manchin and Sinema – in some way or other.

Stay tuned for Supremely Disconcerting, Part III*. It’s just a hunch.

I. Mangrey. Panic responsibly.

*Where Clarence “Uncle” Thomas loudly demands to be impeached (by his actions, if not in fact by his words).   


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