Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Fraught For The Day

Put Your Hand In The Air Like The Fuhrer Was There

September 20, 2022

Der Furor was in Ohio riling up his neo-nazi nitwits at a rally in support of former never-Trumper and now Trump boot-lick J.D. Vance, Ohio senate candidate. Cornered like a rabid hyena, Hair Trump is nuzzling up to the Qanon Qrowd like never before. His super creepy, reality-free dirge/threat, set to ominous background music that turned out to be Qanon’s anthem, was perhaps his scariest screed to date. Trump did his best to scare the crap out of a half-empty house of brainwashed zombies, who have apparently eaten their own brains and are ready for war. Trump has morphed the Ratpublican Party from MAGA to MAQA – from Make America Great Again (which was complete bullshit) to Make America Qanon Already (which is deadly serious).

As Trump feels the walls of justice and reality – not the reality of reality tv, but a non-scripted reality that may not end well for him – closing in, he is in a desperate state. If he could bend over, he would chew his own leg off rather than face the music that an orchestra of prosecutors has taken their seats and is ready to perform. Adam Schiff warned during his closing statement at Trump’s record-breaking, democracy-shaking second impeachment,

We must say enough — enough! He has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again. He has compromised our elections, and he will do so again. You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. He is who he is. Truth matters little to him. What's right matters even less, and decency matters not at all.

And that was the mensch Adam Schiff being tactful. Now, Trump is getting worse by the moment. His legacy could end our democracy yet. The damage he and Mitch McConnell have done to our judicial system is a malignancy on the American body politic. Not just a “cancer on the presidency” that John Dean, at the end, warned that Watergate had become to Richard Nixon.

Trump’s Ohio Qrowd is out of the bunker

Remind you of anything?

Keith Olbermann is saying it and so should everyone else: Trump is America’s Hitler. This is not hyperbole. Olbermann explained that Trump was not the Hitler of 1945, but the Hitler of 1931 or 1933. This is how it begins. The only difference is it won’t just be Jews. Or Gypsies. Or homosexuals. It will be anyone of any stripe who disagrees with Dear Leader and his conspiracy-crazed cultists.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day. Oy.

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