Thursday, November 3, 2022

Broken News: Fifty Shades Of WTF

November 3, 2022

Pissing On Anne Frank’s Grave 

Evangelical Ratpublican Texass congressional candidate Johnny Teague published “The Lost Diary of Anne Frank,” a novel re-imagining Anne Frank’s final days at Auschwitz. Teague thought it would be a holocaustic hoot waste his time taking a dump on the memory of Anne Frank by fantasizing in public about Frank finding Jesus – as if she had not been traumatized enough in life and as if Mormons “converting” her soul wasn’t disgraceful enough in death.

There’s cultural appropriation and then there’s this infuriating boar shit. What on Earth would inspire anyone to perpetrate such insulting religious pornography?  Isn’t it enough that Mormons claim to convert the souls of dead Jews? And what the fuck is that anyway? Are they insane? Do we really need such anti-Semitic porn? Isn’t the rampant pedophilia within the Church, perpetrated by supposed men of God disgusting enough? And don’t these radical wannabe theocratic Christo-fascists have anything better to do with their time than to disparage the memory of Anne Frank? And don’t they know that Jesus (if he ever existed) was born, lived, and died as a Jew? 

Pick On Somebody Your Own Sleaze

Won’t these fuckers be surprised when the little Jewish boy from Nazareth returns to reclaim his kingdom and has a shit-fit that in his name all of these blasphemers have usurped and perverted his life and good works (again, if any of that ever actually happened) and tells them all to go fuck themselves. I’ll save them some time just in case their anti-Semitic Rapture never happens – Go Fuck Yourselves! 

The only way Anne Frank might have found Jesus was if he was in the bunk next to her in Auschwitz with the so many other European Jews at the time. 

Is that Jesus I see back there in the corner? I sure don’t see his Dad anywhere. 

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled election torment.

1 comment:

  1. Wonder why the writing on the bag/mattress is in Russian
    (This guy really wrote that she found Jeebus? There's a tale)
