Saturday, January 20, 2024

Fun Fact For The Day - When Donny Met Nikki

By A Mile/Whisker

January 20, 2024

Donald Trump’s seeming landslide victory margin in Iowa turns out to be thinner than one of the “hairs” on his head. It all depends on how you look at it. While Trump did in “fact” (see yesterday’s post) receive 51% of the very, very small-turnout vote, this means that Not-Donald-Trump received 49%. Hardly a landslide, barely a clump of sod.

Data shows that Trump underperformed in Iowa’s large cities and suburbs. That leaves rural communities, which typically consist of the backwards, the poorly educated, ultra-religious, racist, salt-of-the-earth…you know, morons. This is Trump’s base; it, like his deteriorating brain, is shrinking by the minute.

Trump is still bragging that he passed a dementia test that he keeps saying somehow proved he has a very good brain. It didn’t. he doesn’t. His brain is good at one thing – lying. Two things – lying and grifting hapless pinheads who adore him. Three things, his brain is good at three things – lying, grifting off of his cult and an almost fanatical devotion to himself. That’s all, three things.


Nikki Haley, who told a reporter, “America was never a racist country” and who finished third in the outdated Iowa caucuses behind Ron DuhSantis – the man who can only approximate a smile when he’s being stuck in the ass with a cattle prod – proudly albeit insanely proclaimed, “I can safely say, tonight Iowa made this Republican (her word, not mine) primary a two-person race.” Apparently, Nikki “What-Do-You-Mean-The-Civil-War-Was-About-Slavery” Haley learned arithmetic the same place she learned American history.

Nikki Haley – seen here being a total fucking idiot,
but hey, you gotta go with your strengths

Haley’s Vomit

Jake Tapper asked Haley if she would pardon Trump if she was elected and Trump had been convicted. Haley responded, “I think a pardon for him would make all of that go away and I think it would be healing for the country.” Hmmm, I seem to remember another disgraced ex-president receiving a pardon. I don’t remember any healing though. All I remember is that the guy giving the pardon was appointed by the guy he pardoned. And then the pardoned guy told David Frost, “Well, when the president does it, then it is not illegal.” This caused every constitutional scholar alive at the time to spit the beverage of their choice through their nose. The dead constitutional scholars merely began spinning in their graves, which they are still doing to this day.

Was that not in fact fun?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

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