Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It is Not Hyperbole If it is Incontrovertibly Insane

Did We Nazi This Coming?

The Hollowed Out Shell That Once Was America
January 25, 2017
New presidencies are often discussed in terms of the first 100 days. Chrump’s first 100 days could very well be our last 100 days. During his inauguration abscess The Don said, “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” I have it on good authority that immediately after that he muttered, “I have a much better carnage prepared. This will be the best carnage you’ve ever seen. The best. Nobody knows carnage like Donald Chrump.”

Chrump told the Washington Post, “Being a great president has to do with a lot of things, but one of them is being a great cheerleader for the country. And we’re going to show the people as we build up our military, we’re going to display our military." I must admit to owning up to being very much highly impressed with this impressively impressive move by the new monarch.  Finally Amerika will join the ranks of other great nations of the world like North Korea, Iran, China, the Soviet Union and who could forget Chrump’s most coveted role model – Nazi Germany. All these countries know (or knew) how to show off their military might by uselessly parading their military in public. This, as it turns out, is a terrific way to intimidate your detractors at home while simultaneously waving the tiny pecker you believe to be really huge at the entire world. I cannot wait to be proud, arrogant and pathetic like Il Chrumpe. I can feel the greatness washing all over me already – like an endless golden shower of pride. Do these uniforms highlight my eyes? Does this long-range nuclear missile make me look fat?
This could will be us…any minute now
Rather than lead by example Chrump prefers following in the footsteps of dictators, douchebags and dimwits. Birds of a feather I suppose. Who among us has not wished to see our already bloated military budget put to such good use. I have not felt this great in a long time, probably never. I do not think I will be able to stand all this greatness much longer. Any suggestions?
But Seriously Folks…
We have already crossed the Rubicon. I thought I had imagined and braced myself for the worst. I was wrong. Sad! I thought alternative facts were a bridge too far. Chrump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer – who purportedly chews and swallows 35 sticks of gum every day for breakfast – repeatedly answered questions about Chrump’s delusional rantings on countless topics by referring to the fact that his boss believes whatever it is to be true. And that is all that matters in alt-reality. To paraphrase our previous paranoid, narcissist POTUS, Dick Nixon, “If the president believes it, then it is true.” Unfortunately Boss Chrump was not satisfied because Spicer was not “forceful enough” in selling Chrump’s bullshit or beating up on the press. I think Der Furor should carry his own water. Tweet baby tweet.
What will they think of next? I’ll tell you what – gag orders on the Departments of Transportation, Interior, Health and Human Services, the National Parks Service, USDA’s Agriculture Research Service, of and the Environmental Protection Agency. None of these agencies are currently permitted to communicate the work they are charged with doing for the American people with the American people. We are all Bobby Seale now.

Chrump has frozen all EPA grants and contracts, effectively paralyzing the agency – just as he did on inauguration night by choking off finances to the Affordable Care Act. The new Justice Department demanded a one-month delay of a hearing scheduled for Tuesday on Texas’s voter-identification law – they might not want to interfere with Texas’s ability to continue their voter suppression efforts. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled last year that the law had a discriminatory effect that needed to be rectified. More than 200 people subjected to mass-arrested at the Washington, D.C. protests against the inauguration of Donald Trump. Legal observers and journalists – had their phones, cameras and other personal belongings confiscated as evidence and are among those now facing facing felony riot charges punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Hair Chrump has also resurrected the Keystone and Dakota Access Piplelines. Good night Earth.
This was the day after the election. Those were the good old days.
I. Mangrey and Ho Lee Shitte reporting. Bend over America.
                                                                                                          Mad in USA

1 comment:

  1. Those tank treads REALLY mess up the roads. Has Der Drumph thought of that? Or is that a question for Dept of Transportation? Or Homeland Insecurity? I'll hang up and listen louder.
