Friday, January 27, 2017

Occupy Chrump

Chrump Goes the Weasel…or is it the Other Way Around?

Alternative Chrump World
January 27, 2017
It is very possible that we can keep the Orange Gas Cloud distracted by annoying him as much as possible. He cannot resist responding to any perceived slight, every time he is called out for lying like the woven rug on his head or circumventing every shred of human decency. Despite him telling a Fakes News blonde, "Yeah, look, I don't like tweeting. I have other things I could be doing, but I get very dishonest media, very dishonest press and it's my only way that I can counter act," it is likely that even he does not believe that for a second…alt-reality or not. Keep the Idiot Bastard presIDent occupied tweeting. Call your congress critters and senators. Do not give them any rest. Keep raising hell – he thinks protesting is “UNFAIR.” Bury the White House and Congress in calls, postcards and letters. We want to see this on live TV:
Keep those cards and letters and phone calls coming

Greenpeace doing their part as always,
hanging this banner outside of Chrump’s Our House
Making Chrump’s head explode (This is just an expression; I have no intention of trying to actually make his head explode Mr. Comey) will be no easy task. Chrump does not think that millions of protesters across the globe, including half a million (three times more than attended his inauguration the day before) right outside his new ill begotten front door, the day after he was sworn in and at as president-the-vast-majority-of-American-voters-voted-against, were protesting against him. According to depress secretary Sean Spicer, Hair Chrump is "cognizant to the fact that a lot of these people were there to protest an issue of concern to them and not against anything." What the fuck does that even mean? We are going to have to ramp things up considerably to break through the Fog of Stupid surrounding Chrump and his wraiths. Spicer condemned the media's treatment of his self-loathing boss as "demoralizing". How could anyone even think of harassing a president? What kind of monster would cause Chrump to feel that his dumb ass is not being kissed sufficiently for him to “enjoy” being president. To that I say: We are just getting started sphincter-face. Or should I say President Sphincter-face. No, I should not.
Let us not forget that our Crybaby-in-chief went kvetching to the CIA, who he previously compared to Nazi Germany and whined to them about the press lying about the size of his hands penis crowd.
That’s right, after trashing the CIA for “leaking” fake news to the public, Chrump went right into their house (with human laugh/applause track in tow) inundated them with his own fake news, including his insane nonsense about crowd size, which is probably lower on the CIA’s list of important things to think about than figuring out Where’s Waldo. He also blamed the media for the bad blood that exists between His Hairness and the intelligence community. I refer you to the tweet above, not written by the media. Chrump told the assembled audience and his lackeys that the media “are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. And they made it sound like I had a feeuuuuuuud with the intelligence community.” Again, I refer you to the tweet above. Chrump could not resist advocating for the commission of war crimes, putting our troops at risk in Iraq, and tossing in his favorite oldie-but-goodie, “Trust me, I’m like a smart person.” At least after he was finished fucking them he said, “I love you.” Yes, he did that.

Size matters.
Bad Intelligence
I hear this constantly from Chrump World – they do not trust the intelligence community because they got the whole Iraq thing all wrong and we never should have invaded Iraq. It is exceedingly rare to have anyone in the media correct this nonsense. When someone says that it was bad intelligence that got us into the Iraq war you can say one of two things: 1) yes it was bad intelligence – George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld were badly intelligent (much nicer than calling them stupid or liars, don’t you think) or 2) the only bad intelligence was the super secret fake “CIA” that Dick Cheney cobbled together because the real CIA was not telling him what he wanted to hear. The actual intelligence community did not provide probable cause to illegally invade Iraq in 2003. That was all Cheney and Rumsfeld; George was just doing what he was told, him being badly intelligent and all. The man known as Bush’s Brain gave us this gem back in the Zeros:
"That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
                  Karl Rove – the kinder, gentler Stephen Bannon.
While we are on the subject of bad intelligence, let us hope that one day the media will grow tired of being useless stenographers – not to be confused with useful stenographers, who are paid to do actual stenography. Maybe one day they will act like reporters whose job it is to dig for stories and ask tough questions, and call out lies from those in power in order to educate and protect the public. The real bad intelligence today is that occupying the void between Chrump’s ears.
I. Mangrey reporting.
                                                                                                  Mad in USA 

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