Thursday, June 15, 2017

Belated Beast Wishes

Happy Birthday Asshole

June 15, 2017
I have been practically paralyzed by the cyclone of chaos and insanity that has been the Chrump administration over the past week. Yes, I know these are just another few days in the burgeoning shitstorm that showed up on our radar on November 8, 2016, made cataclysmic landfall on January 20th, and has been pummeling the East Coast, the West Coast, the Rust Belt, the Southwest, the Mid-West and all of America’s proverbial vital organs with unrelenting ignominy, brutality and mind-dissolving tweeting. Not to mention the devastating effects on America’s friends, enemies and frenemies alike, since the Man Who Obeys No Rules vomited himself onto the global stage.
Between the 1001 investigations into Chrump’s love affair with Putin and Russia, the non-testimony of the NSA and DNI, the Comey Show, the Sessions Session, the Mueller Mayhem and the continued Dali-esque “hair” stylings of Der Furor, your humble reporter is having great difficulty focusing on anything and everything.
As Dear Leader had made sure to tell everyone, yesterday was his birthday. I sent neither birthday wishes nor a gift. The most disgusting, incompetent and dangerous president in American history did get a great big surprise on his birthday though. Before Chrump’s favorite day of the year was over, the Washington Post reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is officially looking into obstruction of justice charges against the man who fired the man who was already investigating the very suspicious behavior of Chrump’s campaign vis-à-vis the Russian infiltration of our election and subsequent puppet government.
Many people are saying that the most potent evidence of malfeasance has come directly from Chrump himself. He repeatedly admitted to firing James Comey because of Comey’s persistent investigation of Chrump’s Russia connections. Chrump said that on national television after Chrump and his spokesmonkeys, including professional perjurer J. Beauregard Sessions, spent several days attempting to sell various other patently absurd reasons for Comey’s firing. Chrump also bragged to his Russian Oval Office guests the day after the firing that, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off. I am not under investigation.” Well, guess what – you are now, asshole. Chrump has also been tweeting an abundance of self-incriminating drivel that will surely become evidence for the prosecution. Maybe he should have looked other Amendments other than the Second. Upon learning of Mueller’s obstruction investigation, the Thumbs That Roared had this to say:
Maybe he is a witch. I say throw him into the pond – preferably the one that separates us from the UK – and let’s see whether or not he floats. Lawyer up, rinse, repeat.
I. Mangrey reporting.

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