Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Say What?

What Say You? More Important, Why Say You?

June 27, 2017
When Chrump said he has the best words, I did not realize that this means he thinks he owns them. He gave Obama grief for using the word “mean.” Chrump called the so-called health care bill he loved ‘mean.’ Obama described the disastrous bill as being built on “fundamental meanness.” Chrump was livid (his default setting, but still…), telling Fux and Friends, “He actually used my term, mean. That was my term. Because I want to see, and I speak from the heart, that’s what I want to see. I want to see a bill with heart.” When will we finally see this man in a nice soft room with a comfy chair and some soft cushions and no access to social media or any communication devices of any kind?

Finally, a jacket that is the right length
There is really only one word to describe this wretched little man. It is a word that I have just invented; it is actually an acronym, for sorry-assed-douchebag - SAD.
The Filth Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree
Meanwhile, back at the branch, the more intellectually challenged of Chrump’s endangered-species-murdering sons, Eric had some choice words to say about the Democrats. Safe in the loving embrace of fellow bonehead Sean Hannity he whined, “To me, they’re not even people. “It’s so, so sad. Morality’s just gone, morals have flown out the window and we deserve so much better than this as a country.” Yes, morality in America is gone and only the insanely moral Chrump family can fix it. If I did not know better, and I do not, I would think there has been some very unhealthy inbreeding in our first family. The arrogant little twit said of the Democrats, “They try and obstruct a great man; they try and obstruct his family.” The little turd is going to have a great deal of trouble fixing the country he says deserves so much better. There are already a good many more Americans who favor impeaching Big Don than there are supporters of his disastrous regime. Maybe the Chrumps would be better off in Russia. Soon, they may have no choice. Now that would make America great again.
Little Ivanka told her friends at Pravda…I mean Fux News, “I try to stay out of politics.” Probably not the best strategy for someone with an office in the West Wing – even if she got there by nothing other than who her father (who would rather be dating her) is. Are these people really as stupid as they think we are?
One thing is for sure, no one in Chrump’s inner circle can disappear to “spend more time with their family.” The whole damn family has infested the highest level of our government. And we really do not know who is doing what since they are all skulking around the West Wing as they please.

Coming soon
I. Mangrey reporting.

1 comment:

  1. They're used to getting away with their bull so it's less that they think we're stupid (they don't actually think), it's just that they know people won't challenge them.
