Monday, July 3, 2017

Real News of The Fake Reality

We Are Completely Faked

July 3, 2017
On Fourth of July Eve many people recall the historic fight for independence in 1776. When some truly brilliant and determined men tried to make America great for the first time. With a dream of liberté, égalité, fraternité…oh wait, that was the French. But, you know what I mean. They wanted to better the lot of their fellow white men, and eventually perhaps black men, and women, and maybe even black women – but definitely not Indians. They gave up everything they had to bring a new kind of freedom to a new nation. Freedom from the Crown. Freedom from theocracy or any form of religious domination. Freedom of speech. Freedom of the Press. The men (and women) who birthed this great experiment were not perfect. They were human beings. The Founders tried hard to overcome so much of human nature and lay the foundation for something they hoped would be so much greater than the sum of its parts. They would have surely walked away in shame and handed the keys back to the British if they could have foreseen what we have become in 2017. The country is divided under the tweet-happy thumb of a president who garnered three and a half million fewer votes than the opponent he “defeated”. George Orwell’s 1984 seems almost quaint when confronted with all the shrieking about “fake news” and “alternative facts” killer “healthcare legislation” and all that goes with them. Fortunately for the Founders, and now for us, the average human lifespan is nowhere near 241 years.

The fake reality TV star/fake billionaire with the artificial skin coloring and faux hair, who puts his ugly puss on fake TIME magazine covers in his resorts, and who became a fake president by winning the fake Electoral College vote and then made his slimy, incompetent son-in-law the fake-proxy president, continues to whine about all the fake news. Fake news, of course, is any story, reporter, outlet who spends any time on anything other than blindly worshiping Der Furor. The only thing about Chrump that is real is the self-aggrandizing insanity that infuses his every waking moment. This is all so very faked up.

He is very impressed with himself. SAD!

Chrump recently addressed an adoring crowd, the sort who applaud every word, belch or fart that comes out of his mouth, or out of his wherever. They will applaud without caring what if anything he might mean, or if they (or he for that matter) agreed the day before with what he just said. This day’s fare included, “The fake media is trying to silence us, but we will not let them. The people know the truth. The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I’m president and they’re not.” Yes, President Asshole, we all know that and we are all wishing we were deaf, blind and dead because of it. Go fake yourself.

Secret Service allows another dangerous intruder onto White House grounds

The Lyingest Liar
Besides being the poster-boy for invoking the 25th Amendment , though I would greatly prefer seeing him properly impeached and convicted, Donald Chrump is a professional/pathological liar. He is anti-democratic, anti-free speech, anti-reality. He has spent his life creating his own reality. He used a fake name, pretending to be a publicist, in order to plant stories (often fake stories) in the tabloids – the legitimate fake media (pardon my oxymoron). Chrump hired people to do work for him and once the work was completed, refused to honor his contracts, deciding unilaterally to withhold payment. Nobody knows more about settling out of court than Donald Chrump. And still his businesses declared bankruptcy repeatedly, absolving him from paying even more people. Chrump was so financially toxic that the only place he was able to get money over the past decade or so, was Russia. There is no lie too large or too small for Chrump. He has never met a lie he wouldn’t tell.

News of The Fake
The New York Times recently published a full-page dedicated to delineating Chrump’s lies (though they spelled his name wrong). I did not read the list so I do not know if it is exhaustive or just covers the important ones. And only five lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng months into his never-to-be-completed first term.

I know, who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

You are not alone.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
According to a poll, over 73 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of Republicans would give up alcohol forever if it meant Chrump would be impeached tomorrow. What the poll did not mention was this fact* – 80 percent of those surveyed started drinking around 10:00 pm on November 8, 2016 and have been drinking increasing amounts ever since.
*that I just made up
The only thing with a lower approval rating than Chrump is Chrumpcare. While Chrump still enjoys a 36 percent approval rating, Chrumpcare clocks in at a high of 27 (Fux News) and a low of 12 percent (USA Today).

I. Mangrey reporting.

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