Saturday, November 25, 2017

Kut, Kut, Kut

Scrooge You Buddy

November 25, 2017
If you are wondering how Republican’ts can continue to fight for Chrump’s Cut, Cut, Cut bill, when it is slated to run up the deficit, steal money from those who have little, to give it to those who have too much, you just do not know much about Republicant’s.
According to Republican’ts, they must pass this so-called tax bill as quickly as possible (so the public has no chance to see what is really in it), and at any cost (to the middle and lower classes). The party of Nixon, Bush/Cheney and Chrump is under pressure from wealthy/greedy donors, who have threatened to cut off the funding that installs politicians who pass the laws that lobbyists write, and give the donors more tax cuts they don’t need.
What is the thinking behind rushing to pass a bill that has less than 30 percent public support? That deigns to make tax cuts for corporations permanent, but makes bait-and-switch tax cuts for the middle class that are designed to not only expire, but to turn into tax increases within ten years. It’s magic. By 2027, everyone earning less than $75,000 a year would, on average see their taxes go up.
Preparing the middle class for their big tax cuts;
maybe they will be permanent after all

One For The Money
Boss Chrump, who lies constantly that his draconian tax cut cut cut is “not good for me, believe me.” I probably need not tell anyone this, but DO NOT BELIEVE HIM. Never. Believe me, it can never go well. To be fair to Chrump, now that he has finally dissolved his fake charity, and people (with the exception of white nationalist conventions) are cancelling events and staying away in droves from his hotels, and sports teams that frequented his hotels have, for some reason, decided to start staying elsewhere, his fake fortune is in jeopardy. Der Furor is going to need some other way to con Americans out of their money so he can continue to pretend he is a billionaire. Why not sell them on Chrump Tax Cut, Cut, Cuts? They are made right here, in China. Surely you must feel sorry for Don now that he has dropped from 156th place to 248th place on the list of richest people in America. This puts him just ahead of the guy who owns Papa John’s Pizza and Charlie Rose, so at least his current ranking is fairly safe for a while.
Chrump stakes
Chrump and his Senate Republican’t enablers want to eliminate deductions for the elderly and disabled, adoption, student loans, medical expenses, alimony and other deductions taken by those for whom a few extra pennies makes a difference – like teachers who spend their own money for supplies for their classrooms when actual funding is insufficient. The good news (for corporations and rich folk) is, whatever tax cut crumbs regular folks might actually get will be more than offset when they lose their health insurance as a result of the Death-To-Obamacare language hidden within the deadly tax cut bill.
Former COO at Goldman Sacks and current White House National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said, “The most excited group out there are big CEOs about our tax plan.” Ignoring his horrible grammar and focusing on his horrendous stupidity regarding this disastrous policy, Cohn later witnessed firsthand what everyone already knew. Only six hands out of a room full of corporate executives went up when Cohn asked CEOs whether they would spend more if the Cut, Cut, Cut bill went through. Cohn seemed surprised, asking, "Why aren't the other hands up?" Good question numb-nuts. The simple answer, since you are clearly not very bright, is: Like you, they are a bunch of greedy bastards who will keep everything they can get their sticky hands on. You might also be keen to learn that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Ask your boss. He just recently found that out.
Two For…You Know
Mitch McConnell, who made it clear in 2010 – when he said, The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president,” – that his only allegiance was to his wealthy donors and his party – not America. McConnell’s Republican’ts want to gut Medicare (and eventually Social Security), kill Obamacare and make the rich richer so they can continue to bankroll his party at the expense of the vast majority of Americans, many of whom are either too uninformed and/or ignorant to stop voting for McConnell and his fellow travelers. Why support programs that help millions, when all that money could be going to millionaires?
Three To Get Greedy
Paul Ryan has dreamed of killing Medicaid since he was a young, entitled, Ayn-Rand-addled college kid “drinking at a keg.” Paul Ryan, who gives copies of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged – the book he claims to reread more than any other – as Christmas presents and makes all his interns read it. Paul Ryan, who benefitted from the so-called entitlement programs he is determined to eliminate. Ryan has conned his fellow Republican’ts into believing he understands government finances and economic theory, and is the lead dog on the runner-less sled of Republican’t fiscal policy. The only thing Ryan understands is that by taking money out of socially responsible programs, he can transfer those funds to his wealthy benefactors.
These are the three men charged with leading our nation into the brave new world of tax reform in America.
The Three Scrooges
I. Mangrey reporting.

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