Friday, November 10, 2017

Well, When the President Does it, That Means That it is Not Lying

Is It Really a Lie If You Knew It Was Untrue When You Said It?

November 10, 2017
Whatever else one might think about Donald Trump, it is increasingly important to acknowledge that he is seemingly incapable of telling the truth. Whether he is talking about how smart he is, how much he knows about the military, taxes, health care, other presidents’ birth certificates or how friendly he is with Mitch McConnell, he can do nothing but lie. When he says that indicted traitor Paul Manafort (one of his many campaign managers) was only with his campaign for a short time and was not important, and when he says that convicted liar (and now “proactively cooperating” witness for Bob Mueller’s investigation) George Papadopoulos was a “coffee boy”, and when he says he has all the “best people” he is, in a word, not even in the same galaxy as telling the truth. When Chrump ends a statement with “Believe me”, you can be even more certain that he is lying. Hell, his “hair” is a lie.
Chrump lying through his face sphincter
It does not matter if the issue at hand is the size of his immense loss of the popular vote, the size of the crowd at his inauguration, the size of his hands or the size of his whatever. It does not matter if Chrump is talking (or tweeting) about Muslims dancing in the streets after the 9/11 attacks, claiming he would stand up for the working class and drain the swamp, or that that he will not benefit personally from his so-called tax reform. Whether his absurd claims that he will bring back thousands of coal jobs, or that he has no business dealings with Russia, or his objectively disprovable assertion that he has a very good brain, this president is pathologically incapable of telling the truth. Chrump may have already damaged the truth for all eternity.
It’s True. He Lies.
Research has tallied his total number of false statements, misrepresentations and so-called flip-flops at 1318 over his first 263 days in office. This comes to five lies per day. If we take into account the fact that Trump has visited one of his golf resorts approximately once every four days, the actual lie/day ratio increases substantially. Not to mention that these incessant outings are costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Speaking of Trump’s golfing habits, one might recall him saying, “I don’t think I’d see anything – I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who’s gonna leave?” I admit it is difficult to decide whether this was a lie or a flip-flop, but I will go with lie. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I want him to be working all the time. In fact, given the quality of his work, I would greatly prefer that he spend all of his time on the golf course, cheating on every hole and driving his golf cart across every green he owns.
Agree with Trump’s policies or not – assuming one can pin him down on anything for more than a few hours at a time. Agree with his style, or his often unhinged 2000 tweets or not, a lie is a lie and someone who incessantly trades in lies is by definition a – let’s all say it together because the media will not – a liar. I am all for tact and politeness (Well, not necessarily, but it sounds presidential.), but there is a time and place for everything. When someone with immense responsibility for the well-being of a nation and a tiny little finger on the nuclear trigger is so demonstrably unable to even recognize the truth, and if he did recognize it would just as soon shoot it on Fifth Avenue (and not lose a single vote), it is incumbent upon everyone to tell the bloated festering emperor that he is stark raving nude.

The emperor has no clues
This just in…

More than eight years after the Republican’ts hatched their plot to murder it in its sleep and less than one month after Der Furor said of Obamacare, “It’s dead. It’s gone. It’s no longer - you shouldn’t even mention. It’s gone,” reports showed that a record number of people enrolled in Obamacare for 2018. It would appear that reports of Obamacare’s death have been greatly exaggerated. Now Chrump and his lying monkeys will be sabotaging Obamacare until they can finally prove that it does not work. SAD.

Speaking of dead and gone, have you seen Chrump’s poll numbers lately?
I apologize if I have omitted any of your favorite Chrump lies. There are so many, no one man can keep track. And admittedly, it is at times difficult to determine whether Chrump is lying or merely too stupid for words. To be safe, we should assume that at every turn he is both. I know I do.
I. Mangrey reporting. And that’s no lie.                        

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