Thursday, November 16, 2017

Men Behaving Badly*

Is It Still Rape If Consent is Granted After It’s Over?

November 15, 2017
During the pre-inauguration phase of the Chrump campaign, he howled and whined and screamed about how horrible China was. He did this too many times to count. Chrump said, "We can't continue to allow China to rape our country, and that's what they're doing." Der Furor insisted that China would pay for their sins once he was king. I guess he decided it was really America’s fault after all. Did you see what America was wearing? Who could blame China for raping someone like that? America was just asking for it.
As is so often the case in rape, the victim has much more to prove than the assailant. But Chrump rendered the point moot after a transparently (to everyone but Donny Twitterhands) farcical ego-stroking by the Chinese during Chrump’s recent visit to China. Chrump, who knows a few things about sexual abuse of women said, “I don't blame China. After all, who can blame a country for taking advantage of another country for the benefit of its citizens?” Taking advantage of? Why didn’t he say “raping”?
Let me get this straight. Chrump cried “rape” over China a year ago. Then he sees China again and is all, like, “Oh you’ve been so nice to me after I told everyone you raped us. I think I love you.” So this time its consensual I guess.
Apparently, Grabby Hayes believes it is not rape if it’s for a good cause, and his blind, deaf and staggeringly dumb supporters are just as happy to change the tune they are hearing as Chrump is to change the one he is crooning.
Speaking of crooning, Philippine president/psycho Rodrigo Duterte, sand a love song to a fawning Donald Chrump during the latter’s recent visit to the Philippines. Chrump has never had a discouraging word for Duterte, who, among his other despicable habits proudly assaults women and has joked to troops about raping women.
Is It Really Sexual Assault Just Because The Assault Was Sexual?
Speaking of rape, Roy Moore. Judge-Twice-removed Roy Moore, Republican’t senate candidate is currently in a vegetative state – Alabama. Thirty-seven percent of Alabama evangelicals say they are more likely to support Moore after sexual assault allegations. As I said, vegetative state.
In 2004 Moore led the campaign against removing school segregation from Alabama’s state constitution. The removal of the racist language was a sure bet until Moore jumped into the fray and ultimately helped keep segregation alive in Alabama. And those are his more endearing qualities. Chrump campaigned against Moore, but then threw his weight behind the crazed fundamentalist bigot/sexual predator once Chrump realized they had so much incommon.
Moore, self-appointed champion of the Ten Commandments, was known to hang out at high school football games, malls and anywhere teen girls congregated – while he was an district attorney – for the purpose of procuring dates, or if that did not work, then attempted rape and threats should any of his victims alert anyone of their “date” with Moore. It has been reported that this insane pig – I apologize, alleged insane pig – was banned from a local mall in the 1980s, due to his reputation for allegedly “badgering teenage girls” and “cruising for high-school dates”. Five women have already come forward to accuse Moore of inappropriate sexual behavior when they were teenagers and he was closer to their parents’ age than to theirs. For the record, Moore was born in 1947, so it is very unlikely that he was a teenager in the ‘80s.
The Refuse is Lit
There should be no statute of limitations on sexual assault, whatever its form. Women have been so accustomed to being harassed, assaulted and abused by men that they are struggling to fight back, even in 21st Century America. Finally the dam has burst. And no, it is not true that, “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down,” as former Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, one of Moore’s compatriots, said not so long ago.
Women all across the country (and the world) are leaping from the virtual stockades of oppression and subjugation to speak their long-buried, unbearably painful truth. America, including many of its women, has a history of tolerating and electing known abusers to positions of great power. No example other than the current occupant of the White House need be singled out, though there are more than enough to shame us for all of history, even if this assholery stopped cold this very moment. We know why men vote for these curs, but if women do not stop aiding and abetting, we are surely doomed.
The stain of slavery and the much longer history of genocide against the land’s original peoples will never be washed from this nation’s hands no matter how much we might, as a nation, pretend it is a thing of the past. Especially since, though slavery might have technically ended, the destruction of native peoples continues unabated. It has only slowed because there are so few of them remaining. But I digress.
In Closing...
I. Mangrey reporting. Even if I could do whatever I wanted, I guarantee you I would never grab ‘em by the p***y. Chruck Fump.
*So what else is new.

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