Thursday, February 22, 2018

Dummies For Voting?

Voting For Dummies (Embrace the Double Entendre)

February 22, 2018
In their never-ending battle to stop voting in America, Republican’ts got a boost from five members of the Supreme Court. The anti-democracy Roberts court decided to strike down the decision of a federal court in Texas that rigged voting in that state in favor of...wait for it…Republican’ts. The district judges determined that, “The record indicates not just a hostility toward Democrat (sic) districts, but a hostility to minority districts, and a willingness to use race for partisan advantage.” The Supremes, reticent to take on state voting issues, were persuaded by Pennsylvania Republican’ts to hear, and presumably overturn the state’s Supreme Court decision to undo the insane gerrymandering of the state’s voting districts, including one whose shape is known as “Goofy kicking Donald Duck” (though it looks more like the Road Runner kicking Wile E. Coyote to me). The highest court in the land– the same court that gutted the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013 – this time (at least for now) took the side of democracy, allowing the Keystone State to redraw its voting map. The court, and the Democrats, are looking to make the districts fair – as in, favoring neither party – but fair don’t fly with Republican’ts.
It’s alive: PA-7 – my home district on alternate Wednesdays and Fridays
The Supreme Court's decision is one of many that seem to signal a move away from the anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and objectively immoral gerrymandering that tips the scales in favor of Republican’ts, who demonstrably cannot win congressional or senate seats, or the presidency without some form of cheating. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has redrawn the state’s voting map, effective in May 2018. Republican’ts plan to sue.
Whether it be gratuitous voter ID laws, gerrymandering, being the boy who cried voter fraud, creating a fraudulent voter fraud commission, or working with the Russians – purposely or otherwise, Republican’ts are shameless merchants of fascism.
Chrump, hard(ly) at work with his cabinet from hell.
Sure, there are literally hundreds of Russia connections in Chrumpworld. But there are two things the Republican’ts want you to remember above all else – Bengazi and Clinton got a blow job. Oh, and Hillary’s emails. Nothing else matters.
It Can't Happen Here, Except When it Does
It is interesting that the Russians and the Republican’ts have so much in common. According to federal prosecutors, Russian-backed entities attempted to suppress voter turnout in minority communities as part of its campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. What a coincidence, Republican’ts have been doing this for decades. What I want to know is this: what is the real Red menace? Are Red States Republican’t or Russian?
Bull Goose Republican’t Don Chrump, in response to the special prosecutor’s indictment of 13 Russians for meddling in our elections, attacked the FBI, Democrats, Obama, his own National Security Advisor, the Media and Harry Potter. He still did not have one single harsh word for Vladimir Putin and his cyber-attackers. Chrump gave no indication that he thought there was an ongoing threat to our elections, and no indication that he has any interest in trying to protect what is left of our democracy.
As we would all prefer to forget, the Founding Fathers felt that only wealthy white males were to have the right to elect wealthy white males to office. Today’s Republican'ts have never wavered in their relentless obsession with trying to return to those days, or at least stifling the non-Republican’t vote. Numerous Republican'ts have publicly proclaimed that they do not want too many people voting. Mostly they are quiet about it, preferring to trease (the verb form of treason; believe me) behind the scenes. And who could blame them? Conservative icon Paul Weyrich, co-founder of right-wing think-tank the Heritage Foundation, who also helped to establish the Moral Majority spoke directly to this issue in the fall of 1980.
Weyrich bemoaned the fact that “many of our Christians have what I call the ‘Goo-Goo Syndrome.’ Good government. They want everybody to vote. I don’t want everybody to vote…As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.” At least Mr. Weyrich had the courage, if not the good taste to speak his incredibly un-democratic mind in public. Today, his successors couch their language, hide their contempt for just about everyone and pretend to be looking out for Democracy. Their actions speak much louder than their words.
Fuck the Vote
As if proof of the above was necessary, The Nation reported that last week, under cover of swamp gas, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission (EAC). Have you ever heard of the EAC? Apparently, it exists to help states run elections. It is the only federal agency trying to guarantee voting machines can’t be hacked. Who knew? The EAC, created as part of the Help America Vote Act after the catastrophic 2000 “election” in Florida, was meant to fix problems like butterfly ballots and hanging chads. You know, two of the reasons (because disenfranchising tens of thousands of black voters was simply not enough) George W. Bush won the Electoral College, lost the popular vote, and became the worst president ever (for eight years). Sound familiar?
There is a non-profit, progressive-aligned organization called Rock the Vote, whose stated mission is "to engage and build the political power of young people." For 26 years Rock the Vote has worked to register and encourage young people to vote. Conversely, the Republican’ts have mounted a much longer-lived program to Fuck the Vote. Unfortunately, they seem to have been more effective in achieving their goal. Maybe the continuing slaughter of American students and the intransigence of the Republican’t Gun Lobby Party toward any type of meaningful gun control will turn the tide once and for all.
I. Mangrey reloading. Duck and cover.                                                                           

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