Sunday, February 25, 2018

School of Hard Shots

Don’t Shoot The Messenger

February 25, 2018
Apparently, what this country needs is more shooting. Just ask Don Chrump, the new voice of the NRA. During his recent listening session, Chrump spent most of the time listening to the voices in his head while other people talked to him. One of those voices was the usual fourth grader that we all get to hear whenever he speaks on his own, or get to see on Twitter every few minutes. The other voices are those of the three stooges on Fux and Friends and that of bloodthirsty murder fetishist and NRA executive VP Wayne LaPierre.
Now here’s a man who knows where his hearing holes are
Chrump clearly had no idea what anyone was talking about, fighting to sit still and avoid drooling. No matter what anyone else said, Der Furor stuck to his guns and insisted that the only thing that could be done was to turn our schools into war zones, with firearms at the ready, to guarantee that good guys (teachers) with guns were ready to stop bad guys (white guys) with guns. Sadly, 44 percent of Americans think teachers with guns is a good idea.
A study of the New York Police Department found that between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate during gunfights was 18 percent. When suspects did not return fire, police officers still hit their targets only 30 percent of the time. Officers who have been involved in shootings say that firing a weapon in a stressful situation is very difficult. Chrump, no doubt knows better. Either way, I am sure that teachers dashing off to get their hidden guns and then rushing toward an active shooter with superior firepower will be able to do much better than professional good guys with guns. And hardly any of them will accidently shoot bystanders, themselves or end up being shot with their own gun.

Get real or go home. Better yet, go home and get real
Even though Chrump had a cheat-sheet to help him remember why he was there, what to pretend to be thinking about, and how he was supposed to feel, he still managed to embarrass everyone in the room. I don’t think his list included this gem, “We need to let people know, you come into our schools, you’re gonna be dead.”

Most people with cheat-sheets have the words facing them
Who cares if America’s schools cannot afford normal school supplies like paper and pencils? According to a 2013 article in Education Week, “two-thirds of all classroom supplies are purchased by teachers. And 91 percent of teachers—many of whom receive modest pay to begin with—purchase basic supplies for students whose families cannot afford them. All of these expenditures can add up to more than $1 billion every year out of educators’ own pockets.” Obviously, the big question now is, will these teachers have to buy their own guns? And what about bullets? As Chris Rock said, “Guns don’t kill people, bullets kill people.
As we all know, Republican’ts do not want the hoi polloi to be educated, and are not overly concerned with the lives and/or deaths of students. They only care about people before they are born. As their leader Chrump said during the pre-inauguration phase of his campaign, echoing the longstanding philosophy of the Republican’t Party, “I love the poorly educated.” And they love him right back.
Americans can be proud that our five-deferment-draft-dodging prezident is so brave shooting off his mouth. I would say, put your gun where your mouth is, but that would not be nice, and might be taken the wrong way.
I. Mangrey reporting. Remember, guns don’t kill people, the NRA kills people.

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