Wednesday, March 28, 2018

F**k R**k Santorum

Dan Savage Had it Righter Than Rain

March 28, 2018
Santorum, the term coined by San Francisco columnist Dan Savage to denote the "frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter resulting from anal intercourse," and, not in the least coincidentally, the surname of former one-term senator from Pennsylvania refuses to keep his Santorum-filled mouth shut. The Frothy One did not care for the gut-wrenching, inspirational oratory and subsequent largest-crowd-ever-gathered-in-Washington, DC, in response to the horrendous mass murder at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Pennsylvania’s most famous fetus fetishist did not seem nearly as outraged over the shooting itself as he was over the March for Our Lives on March 24th. Santorum – the ex-senator, not the frothy mixture – said, “How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that.” So exercising their First Amendment rights, attempting to influence the debate, registering people to vote, and preparing to affect legislation to protect life and curtain gun abuse is nothing more than “looking to someone else to solve their problem” to the man who values “life” in the womb much more than that outside the womb. I do try to watch my language here, but Santorum is one sick motherfucker, and believe me, I’m keeping it much cleaner than I would like to.
Forget the monstrous stupidity of pairing CPR, which is most likely the last thing needed for someone with gunshot wounds. What is almost as stupid, is the fact that it is still so easy to be involuntarily exposed to the sight and sound of Rick Santorum, who clearly has absolutely nothing constructive or intelligent to add to the public discourse. There is a reason why he was a one-term senator, who got crushed in his bid for re-election. And remember, Pennsylvania is so pathetic that in 2016 it went for Donald Chrump.
I was going to ignore Little Ricky latest lapse in judgment, intelligence and humanity, but then I had the misfortune of seeing him again, as he tried to backtrack from his latest disgracefully ignorant statement. It harkened back to Ricky trying to explain away his, “I don’t want to make bla…people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money” Freudian slip, by insisting he was not about to say ‘black people,’ but was in fact saying ‘blah people.’ Nice try you disgusting maggot.
Once again unable to sustain normal human empathy, he went and played the I-condemn-both-sides card when Chris Cuomo challenged Santorum’s idiocy. Cuomo told Santorum, "We actually can't [have civil discourse on guns] because we are distracted by all of these efforts of attacking the kids, saying they didn't go to the school, likening them to Nazis, making fun of young women, lying about what they do. That's what people are your side of the fence are doing." Santorum shot back, "There have been boogeymen on both sides. There are things we can see which is demonization. You point to the right. I would point to the left.”
Cuomo clearly nauseated by the froth oozing from Santorum’s face sphincter.
Can’t we vote him off the television? Santorum's single redeeming quality is that he is not John Bolton.
I. Mangrey regurgitating. His type really makes me puke.

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