Thursday, March 22, 2018

Fascism For Dummies

Kremlin de la Kremlin

March 22, 2018
Our very funny prezident continues to put his very tremendous sense of humor on display. Most recently he ignored stringent, unambiguous instruction from national security advisers. The all-caps phrase, "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" was included in Chrump’s daily briefing in the hope of dissuading Der Furor from heaping praise on Vladimir Putin after his latest “election.” Maybe the briefing did not have enough pretty pictures to divert Chrump’s attention from Fux and Friends…or his mirror.
Chrump did not happen to mention the poisoning (and imminent deaths) of an ex-Russian spy and his daughter in London, which everyone else in the world has condemned since it was carried out using a nerve agent developed and maintained nowhere else but Russia. Chrump’s briefing also clearly advised him to bring this up. And not in a congratulatory way.
Breaking Out the Good China
At a less recent closed-door fundraiser at Mor-on-Lago, the Comedian-in-chief made it clear he was very impressed with China’s president Xi Jinping consolidating power and removing term limits to keep himself in office. Everyone knows Chrump was kidding when he said, “He's now president for life, president for life. And he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday.” This was met with cheers and applause from Chrump’s supporters. Everyone else is checking their blood pressure, updating their passports and ordering massive quantities of Rent-A-Coma.
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For his next trick, Chrump is rolling out his trade war with China. I guess Baby Donald is inconsolably jealous about Xi having a better dictatorship than he has. I hope we can keep it that way, and while Xi might get to be president for life, Chrump will get to be president for months. 


Arthur Jones ran unopposed in IL-03 Republican’t primary
Since pedophiles are not quite despicable enough, the Republican’ts are running a real live Nazi – a former leader of the American Nazi Party – for congress in Illinois. Arthur Jones is a Holocaust denier who has been disavowed (or so it is said; I choose to deny it, having seen no actual proof) by his own party, but he is a Republican’t and a Chrump supporter. Go figure.

I. Mangrey reporting. Laughing so much it hurts.