Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Billionaire’s Bullionaire

America: Donald Chrump’s Newest Casino

May 15, 2019
Chrump impressed intelligent and poorly educated voters alike with his happy talk of running this country like a business.  Apparently, these people, if I may call them that, managed in only eight years to forget that they fell for the same bullshit from the last “businessman” who sold the electorate a similar bill of goods. 
In fairness, the eight years in question provided a good reason for many very fine people to become convenient amnesiacs.  Many people have now forgotten this, but between 2008 and 2016– possibly due to an economic, moral and war crime related hangover – America elected, and then re-elected an African American as president.  And he did not need the Electoral College or the Supreme Court to fix the election for him.  He did it the old fashioned way – by getting more votes than the other guy, apparently something only Democrats can do these days.
The other “businessman” at issue had much in common with the shit-weasel we are currently battling to survive.  Coincidentally enough, this other knucklehead was also born into money and did nothing of any value on his own.  Like the Donald The Menace, what he did manage to accomplish, was to lose money.  Both of these ne’er-do-wells dodged the draft.  Both also raided the U.S. treasury, under the guise of giving huge tax breaks to all Americans, while in fact handing almost all of that money to very few of the wealthiest Americans.  Unlike Chrump though, who throughout his life has only gotten drunk on his own ego, the previous schmuck was an honest-to-goodness alcofuckingholic.
Oil-ego hybrid
Unfortunately for us, both of these maroons intended to, and indeed did run the country like a business…in the only way they knew how – into the ground.  Both inherited much better situations than they created.  The first one almost destroyed the global economy, the current one is working hard to out-undo his predecessor, and like the previous putz, Chrump should not be misunderestimated.
It is well known by now that the amazing Chrump managed, against all odds – as the pun must go – to bankrupt a casino.  I’m sorry, I misspoke.  Chrump bankrupted four casinos.  His predecessor, George W. Bush – who also lost the popular vote, and skated into the White House, not just on the strength of the Electoral College, but got an added push from a criminal decision by the Supreme Court that stopped the vote recount in Florida – did not own casinos.  Bush instead was in the oil business, though it turned out there was little oil in his business.  Generally unable to find oil, Bush, Jr. instead built his “fortune” on discovering tax shelters.  During his time in office, despite illegally invading and literally bombing much of that country into dust, Bush was unable to achieve his ultimate goal of securing Iraq’s oil (which Chrump thought was a great idea, however war-crime-esque the notion).
Dictatorships ain’t got nothin’ on our dickheaderships
One thing that is better about Chrump is that he only dreams of committing war crimes, and has thus far contented himself with committing financial crimes.  He was not able to content himself with ridiong the Obama economic recovery wave to the end of his first term.  Chrump has decided instead to go to war, albeit economic (so far), with China.  Chrump’s t(i)rade war with China is already beating the crap out of American farmers, despite an initial bail-out of $12 billion and a new request for another $15 billion to con farmers into thinking that Chrump’s policies are not killing them.  Chrump, according to reports, is as usual ignoring his advisors and instead listening to his fast-food addled gut.
I. Mangrey reporting.  You say potato, and I say potato.  Let’s call the whole thing off.

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