Saturday, May 18, 2019

You Will Not De-Fetus

Be My Baby…Or Else

May 18, 2019
State after stupid fucking state (GA, OH, KY, UT, MS, AL) is passing insane anti-abortion laws.  The new law signed by Georgia’s governor says that as soon as a “fetal” heart beat is detected, which can occur before many women are even aware that they are pregnant, and before the cells have become a fetus.  The law says that at the onset of a “heartbeat,” the embryo or fetus, as they call it, is given “natural person status” meaning the embryo is entitled to “child” support, can be claimed as a dependent on taxes, and is included in population statistics.  I am not making this up.  Does this mean that rapists will be required to pay support?  Will rapists be able to write these “babies” off on their taxes?  Inquiring minds want to know.
The law signed by Alabama’s governor, which mentally challenged Christian zealot Pat Robertson called “an extreme law,” (meaning it will not be a winner with the Supremes) proposes jailing abortion providers for up to 99 years, much longer than a convicted racist, whose baby his victim will be forced to bring to term.  If only these all white, male Alabama legislators (though the law was signed by Alabama’s female governor) could be raped.  I do not think this is asking too much, nor is it a terrible thing to wish.  This is obviously a necessary experience for these yahoos since the law they have put forth (for the sole purpose of getting the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade) would not allow abortion even in cases of rape or incest, which I believe are both considered sports in Alabama.
Make Womb For Daddy
Alabama Republican’t State Senator Clyde Chambliss was asked if the law would allow for incest victims to obtain abortions.  Chambliss responded: “Yes, until she knows she’s pregnant.”  At least he had a good explanation, “You can’t know that immediately. It takes some time for all those chromosomes and all that.”  I am not making this up.  In his defense, Chambliss also said, “I don’t know if I’m smart enough to be pregnant, so I appreciate the wisdom of our heavenly father.”  Barely smart enough to breathe, being raped is too good for this pathetic putz.  Someone should insert an embryo through his penis, find a way to make it gestate for nine months and then pull it out the way it went in.  Then we can have a conversation.
Man (Forcing People to Be) Alive
This current spasm of anti-woman legislation was, of course, provided fertile ground thanks to Chrump (of whom Howard Stern said, “The Donald I know I think he’d probably get a few people abortions.”) Chrump was ably abetted in creating this putrid petri dish of political posturing by Mitch McConnell who gleefully would not allow Barack Obama to nominate Merrick Garland – who had broad bipartisan support – to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.  McConnell stole the seat, which would later be filled by Chrump pick – virulent anti-choice lightweight Neil Gorsuch.  Gorsuch was followed on the Court by credibly-accused attempted rapist Brett “I like beer” Kavanaugh.  Get ready for these two religious fanatics to unsettle settled law and reverse Roe v. Wade.
As embryos, these unfortunates knew what they were getting into
Anti-choicers always like to say that every child deserves, nay, is commanded to be born.  What if the child does not want to be born?  These poor, unsuspecting embryos are not given a choice.  The adults always get to decide.  I guess these people really are anti-choice on all fronts.

So, it is acceptable to force a sperm and egg to join in a laboratory without their permission, and without even dinner-and-a-movie, and go against God’s will by implanting an embryo into a body that has clearly been deemed by God as disqualified from bearing children.  (Hey, wait a minute, isn’t that science?)  But, it is unacceptable to allow someone who either believes that they are doing what God wants, or perhaps simply does not care, to do what they believe is right?  Who’s playing God now?
As this was being written, Mississippi chimed in with their stupid fucking (it’s a pun) law.  Find the details for yourself, if you dare.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Hey Rocky, watch me pull a fetus out of my hat.                                                                                                       

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