Friday, May 31, 2019

These Are the Times That Fry Men’s Souls*

Mr. Mueller, Tear Down This Fool

June 1, 2019
It is often said that the problem with indicting a sitting president or, if one may be permitted to dream impeaching him, is that it would impede the president’s ability to carry out the responsibilities of the office.  I do not see the problem here.  There is nothing this country needs more at this moment than to interfere with this president’s ability to carry out whatever it is that he keeps carrying on about.
He has been endlessly coddling Vladimir Putin, fawning over Kim Jong Un.  He has been accused of repeatedly obstructing justice.  He vilifies and threatens everyone who dares disagree with him, including many of the best people he installed to ru(i)n our government.  He is a known conman and life-long criminal, caring nothing for the presidency other than padding his own bank account and ego. 
Chrump continues to protect the ability of Russia (while possibly courting North Korea for the same purpose) to continue what Robert Mueller found to be their “multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our elections, and that allegation deserves the attention of every American.”  Mueller made it clear that his investigation proved that Russian military cyber warfare was conducted against Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the purpose of having Donald Chrump win the election.  Apparently, Republican’ts remain relentless in their attempts to keep huge swaths of the American electorate from voting, but they are fine with Russia weighing in on our elections.
Mueller stated very strongly and very powerfully, “…after that investigation, if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”  Contrary to Chrump’s constant, cacophonous and cringe-worthy caterwauling, Mueller and the report that bears his name said nothing of the sort.  
“I was totally exonerated.  I’m here on vacation.”
Robert Mueller has always been above politics.  Kudos to him.  Everyone on both sides of the aisle applauded when Mueller was appointed to investigate Russian interference in our elections and the possible complicity by Chrump’s campaign – something for which the Chrump campaign had been under investigation prior to the 2016 election.  Some on should read this thing to Bill Barr. 
Just as Mueller says “no person is above the law,” no person is above politics today.  Not even Mueller.  There is nothing but politics now.  Mueller must pull on his shit-wading boots and get dirty.  He has been a consummate non-political professional.  Now he is a private citizen.  If he truly loves his country, he will do whatever he can to rid us of a criminal tyrant. 
Mueller thinks his integrity still matters.  The only thing that matters in the people who need to get the unvarnished proof of Chrump’s perfidy, is being beaten over the head with endless television/internet face time.  Mueller insists that he would not say anything that was not spelled out in his report.  Fine.  As far as I’m concerned, he can sit there and read excerpts selected by members of Congress.  They can have responsive readings and a couple Randy Rainbow videos to break things up.  The American public must be entertained at all times. 
Too many people remain unaware that Mueller provided ample evidence and comprehensive footnotes detailing 10 instances of obstruction of justice by the Chrump team.  These people, like their dear leader, do not read.  Those who represent these willfully ignorant Americans in Congress have also purposely avoided reading the report and are unlikely to dig in any time soon.  They all need to be told by Mueller directly in small words and short sentences.
The one Republican’t who has read the Mueller Report is now mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.  Justin Amash (R-MI) is shouting impeachment from all corners of the country.
A good start
Chrump was so enraged after Mueller’s public statement that his morning toilet tweet storm included his Freudian admission that Russia helped him get elected.


How about obstructions of justice?

A conservative columnist, whose name was not worth remembering, opined that “it would be divisive for the nation and a boon to our global competitors if Democrats choose to hobble our national agenda with superfluous, partisan impeachment.”  Nice try asshole, but what you are describing to a tee is something Americans know all too well and is known around the world as Donald J. Chrump, or as he was described on his beloved Twitter by an Englishman, a “tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon.”
* Most times fry women’s souls.

I. Mangrey reporting.  Don't change the subject.                                                     

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