Saturday, September 5, 2020

I Just Don't Get It

Getting Testy

September 5, 2020
If Chrump was anything other than a hypocritical, narcissistic conman, he would not allow everyone to be required to get tested for COVID-19 before entering his presence. He constantly exposes his blinkered, Philistine, pig ignorance by whining that testing causes cases and that his people should “slow the testing down please.” Chrump is only talking about slowing down testing of Americans who will not be in his immediate vicinity, not those who might bring the Chrump Virus near him – an old, overweight, unhealthy slob, who could easily die if he had the same medical insurance as too many Americans, and got this virus that bears his name and his responsibility.
Chrump refuses to wear a mask because it will spoil his make-up and clash with his “hair.” The dangerous sheep who follow him support his murder spree and immerse themselves in his death cult. They boo when told they must wear masks in large gatherings. During the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 (not 1917, as IMPEACHED president fuckwit refuses to stop saying) they knew, as we know now, that wearing masks in public was a strong and powerful way to impede the progress of a contagious virus.

Americans yearning to breathe free of the Spanish Flu in 1918

Combine this with Chrump’s unrepentant, unrelenting racism – though he remains unwilling to simply admit his disdain for non-white people, preferring to hide behind pathetically transparent dog-whistling – and it is hard to stomach so many Americans still supporting this giant sea-slug in an ill-fitting suit and tie.
For some strange reason Chrump’s minions are offended by black people peaceably assembled to protest being murdered by police across this nation. They seem to think it is an attack on Donald Chrump and them. Guilty conscience much?
Clearly, Chrump does not really believe that “there very fine people…on both sides.” He has had nothing to say about Jacob Blake, who was shot seven times in the back by police, but he expressed grief for the pro-Chrump, armed, outside agitator who came to Kenosha, Wisconsin looking for trouble and found it, ultimately killing two and badly wounding another.
I alone will fix all this peaceful protesting.
There has never been any question that the only people Chrump thinks are very fine are those white people, particularly the violent ones, who support him. Everyone else is either collateral damage or collateral-damage-in-waiting. He recently said he could clean up the unrest in Portland “in about an hour.” Just what America needs – shock-and-awe in our cities. It would not be unwise to imagine Der Furor is referring to dropping a nuclear bomb – a small one, I’m sure – to clear out the evil protestors exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble and perhaps if they’re lucky, to not get murdered by police for being black in America.
It makes me want to ask Chrump supporters a simple question: I see you support Donald Chrump so I’m curious to know which right wing of the Chrumpublican’ts you identify with; with all due respect, are you a racist or a moron?
Fortunately, I am a life-long, card-carrying, unabashed chicken, so I will likely just keep this question to myself. That is unless there is a second Chrump term, when it is entirely possible that heretofore unimagined suicidal tendencies might very well manifest in strange and dangerous ways.
Bob Dylan – Everything Is Broken

I. Mangrey recoiling. Only 58 more cheating days until Election Day.

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