Friday, September 11, 2020

The Art Of The Death

President Death Meets Bob Woodward

September 11, 2020
“His attention span is like a minus number.”
Anthony Fauci on Chrump
September 11, 2001 - the day the intelligence briefing ignored by George W. Bush more than a month earlier came back to bite him in his dumb ass, leaving more than 3,000 Americans dead, and setting off an illegal-war-based-on-lies that resulted in over 4,000 more dead Americans and global chaos. A fitting day to touch on another dumb ass ignoring warnings and the consequent needless loss of life based on lies.
It is now clearer than ever that IMPEACHED president Chrump is, among his many horrifying character flaws (a long history of sexual assault, racism, anti-Semitism, working for Putin to undermine our elections and national security, a life of lying, cheating and stealing that has continued through his presidency, cozying up to brutal dictators, etc.), now also a mass murderer.  
Spoiler Alert: He doesn’t give a shit about you
Chrump called Bob Woodward of his own accord without warning his aides, apparently for the express purpose of showing just how sick and depraved he is as a person and how terrible he is at his job. Chrump thought he would work his magic on Woodward and this would get him good PR. 

In advance of the release of his new book about Der Furor, “Rage”, Woodward has released recordings of these conversations with the lying sociopath who admitted in private that he knew exactly how deadly the new coronavirus was very early on. Despite knowing this, Chrump insisted in public that the whole thing was just a hoax perpetrated by his detractors. (Interestingly, Chrump thinks detractors are crappy farm equipment.) 

Chrump told Woodward on February 7, “This is deadly stuff.” President Death thought his explanation on March 19 that “I wanted to always play it down,” and that “I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic.” In defending his indefensible actions after America heard his voice saying what it said, Chrump claimed he lied people to death because he was being a “cheerleader for this country” (I assume he meant Russia) and that this was perfectly sufficient to explain away his perfect handling of the virus pandemic, which has now claimed over 190,000 American lives. Great, just what this country needed, another cheerleader in the White House.
  George W. Bush before he lied people to death and
almost destroyed America. Never forget.
Speaking of cheerleaders, recall that Don, Jr. called an aide for John Kasich and asked if Kasich “had any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?” It was explained that Kasich would be in charge of all foreign and domestic policy in the Chrump administration. When asked what Chrump himself would be doing as president, Chrump the younger and dumber replied, “He’ll be busy making America great again.” Or as it is known in the business - cheerleading. This really happened. Really.
Chrump made damn sure that millions of Americans ignored the preponderance of medical experts who said WEAR A MASK and PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING. Chrump put his own cult followers at deadly risk by telling them not to wear masks and doing things like removing warnings to practice physical distancing at rallies he knew full well he should not have been holding.
Chrump has “joked” about shooting someone on Fifth Avenue in New York and not losing a single vote. He instead decided to lie to all of America in order to kill tens of thousands of voters on both sides of the aisle.
Evidence of Chrump lying to the American public.
Fauci looks like he’d rather be having root canal,
and Birx looks like she’s about to cry and/or puke.
The rest are voluntary hostages.
Considering that approximately half of the American population (give or take) are lawyers, I hope there will be a massive class action suit for all the wrongful deaths directly attributable to the lies and inaction of Donald Judas Chrump, aided and abetted by any other members of his staff who knew what he knew when he knew it, and stood by their man instead of standing by their country and its citizens.
If you need any more proof of just how badly Chrump has handled the virus, Moscow Mitch said Chrump should be applauded.
To this day Chrump continues to ridicule those who would wear a mask. He harassed a reporter at a recent press tantrum to take off their mask. Chrump accused Joe Biden of having psychological issues for wearing a mask. As always, Chrump was talking about himself – except for the wearing a mask part.

By way of excuse, Chrump blamed Woodward for not telling the American people that Chrump was lying about and ignoring the deadly virus, essentially calling out Woodward for not alerting everyone to Chrump’s crime against humanity sooner. Well played ya dumb shit.

According to some studies, Chrump may well be responsible for up to 80 percent of the COVID-19 cases and deaths. And to this day he has no plan to slow the spread of the virus let alone respond to the seasonal spike many say is likely on the horizon. And the Republican’t party sits there on their rich, fat, white asses, drowned out by crickets, making not a single peep, lest they upset Cheer Leader. All Republican’ts are complicit in Chrump’s vicious murder spree and they must not be allowed to hold power for a long time.
I. Mangrey reporting. Only 52 more cheating (and killing) days until Election Day.                  

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