Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Which Side Are You On?

Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa. Better Run, Run, Run, Run Away

September 9, 2020
It is happening here. Right now.
So much outrage is being directed at the “group” known as Antifa. No doubt the Antifa movement has some adherents who are not helping to bolster the critical and peaceful message of Black Lives Matter. Though it is likely that much of the violence is in fact being perpetrated by Chrump supporters – both overt and covert – in order to discredit BLM, some small number of Antifa members are also causing bad trouble.
Side note: Unfortunately, as history has shown, meaningful social change rarely takes hold without some level of violence. Those in power typically don’t give up without a fight. It would be nice if the human species had evolved beyond such primitive interactions, but not yet, and I for one will not be holding my breath waiting for that day to dawn.
Unlike one of their counterparts on the radical right – QAnon – Antifa is not a moronic/monolithic, delusion-based entity. Antifa is a loose affiliation of individuals and small groups bound together, not by a psychotic conspiracy theory, but by a sincere desire to raise awareness of and fight against Fascism in Amerika. Unlike the completely fabricated fantasy of a deep state run by Satanic pedophiles led by Tom Hanks and the Democrats (and not the actual pedophiles like Jeffry Epstein and Donald Chrump), fascism in America draws closer to becoming a reality under Chrump with each passing deranged assault on the Constitution perpetrated by the impeached traitor Chrump.
Despite all the whining and hand wringing over Antifa, it is unlikely that those concern trolls understand or care to understand what Antifa is about. They just need a bogey man on whom to pin their angst and loathing.
Antifa or Pro-fa

So, the next time someone starts bitching about how horrible Antifa is, tell them you oppose all violence, then ask them if they even know what Antifa stands for, and in the very likely event that they do not, explain it to them. Then ask them if they are pro-fascist. Most likely, hilarity will ensue.
Look familiar?

I. Mangrey reporting. Only 54 more cheating days left until Election Day.

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