Saturday, October 1, 2022

Marge And In Charge*

Fascists Will Not Replace Us…Hopefully

October 1, 2022

“Christian Nationalism is what America needs.”
Ignorant sociopath Marjorie Taylor Greene,
before congratulating Italy’s new fascist leader

The season of the Jewish High Holidays is upon us. It is a time when Jews the world over take time to reflect, atone and forgive, trying to take a break from the latest resurgence of anti-Semitism across the globe. Just the other day, a member of Congress put all of this to a supreme test. The unfortunate creature known as Marjorie Traitor Greene (I may have the middle name wrong, but it’s the thought that counts) once again made the tragic mistake of opening her mouth for something other than eating or yawning, or even vomiting.

The gun-happy goon from Georgia is the Class Dunce of Congress – she is allowed to stay in the room with the rest of the class, but because of her violent rhetoric and threatening behavior from the moment she took the oath of office which she clearly did not understand, she was banned from being on any committees. Committee assignments are pretty much all that matters while serving in Congress. Being the Congress Dunce has freed up all of Malignant Marge’s time, enabling her to hone her idiotic trolling skills, and to make videos of herself shooting feral hogs from a helicopter.

Fresh off kicking a young anti-gun-death activist who dared challenge the gun-addled grifter’s fealty to guns and mass murder, Ballistic Barbie is a woman who is afraid of cold soup and the associated, albeit imaginary, Gazpacho Police and she cringes at the thought of laboratories full of Peach Tree Dishes. Let’s just say that she is few loose screws short of a full deck of marbles.

Yes, this is an actual campaign ad

Marge and her fellow travelers continue to worship at the feet of an irreligious hate-monger who is the living embodiment of what they believe are the Seven Deadly Sins. A man has never taken confession, accepted Jesus as his personal savior (or anything else), and claims to have never done anything that would require introspection or penance.

Nonetheless, Mentally-Defective Marge was filled with glee at a recent Godless-Trump rally. She told an interviewer

We're seeing a resurgence; it's like a revival. It's really a Christian revival. I want to see the church in America come to life and save this country. Because the church in America is the American people. The Constitution was founded by Christian men.

An Open Letter To A Closed (And Incredibly Small) Mind

Dear Damaged Dipshit:

Ahem there little-brained lady. First of all, you might want to Google “separation of church and state.” Second, the Constitution was not founded, it was written. And yes, you could say it was Christian men, specifically white Christian men, and even more specifically many of whom were white Christian men who owned slaves. And just in case you’re not aware, slaves were actually people, and for some reason I’ll never understand, also Christians. Also, Church? Which church? I’m no Christian Scientist, but it is my understanding that there are quite a few churches in this country (you might also want to Google “Christian denominations”).

You may not be aware of this – since there is so much about which you are so stunningly clueless – but some of us, me included, are not what you might call Christian. Funny thing though, neither was Jesus. Did you know, Marge, that Jesus was himself an unrepentant Jew? As were all his disciples. Of course you didn’t, you poor demented, arrogant little thing. So, next time you decide to open your mouth, either just keep your foot in it, or eat something that requires extensive chewing. Either way, just shut the fuck up.

I. Mangrey

*At least that’s what she thinks


Not to be mean…okay, probably to be at least a little mean…Greene’s husband of 27 years has filed for divorce, claiming his marriage to the ever more pathic sociopath was “irrevocably broken.” According to court records, Perry Greene did not claim his long-estranged wife was herself irrevocably broken, at least not on the record. So, for Maaaadge at this point, I guess marriage is between one woman. I shudder to think what straw might have broken that camel’s back. Okay, so maybe this ended up a bit meaner than I expected. Just kidding. I wish her the worst.

She’s earned it.

I. Mangrey reporting. Long live schadenfreude.

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