Sunday, October 9, 2022

This One Gets An F (Or Two)

It’s The Environment, Stupid

October 9, 2022

I really am trying to calm the fuck down. Seriously. I swear to…whatever. But any time I start to get a moment’s peace, the Earth haters swoop in like the fucking Wicked Witch’s goddam flying monkeys on crack and kill my chill.

Quick aside: I don’t know if this makes things better or worse, but Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson joined her first oral arguments this week in what will in all likelihood result in a stunning and futile gesture to stop he psycho courtmates from taking another vampire-bite out of environmental protections. While it is a wonderful thing that she has a voice on the highest court in the land, it will be a voice in the wilderness for a long, long time given the super stupid (I’m looking at you Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Clowny Barrett), super fascist (that would be you Alito) and supremely gutless (who does that leave…oh yeah, “Chief” Justice Roberts)* majority flagrantly and callously overturning a century of precedent (and millions of years of a planet that is habitable for humans) as they steamroll the Constitution and democracy on their way full-on-fascism in the good old USA.

Those of you who know me and/or spend any time on these virtual pages will not be surprised to hear that far above all other concerns for me, and for everyone here at Paying Attention™, is the environment, and keeping it safe for all our relatives, especially those who cannot speak for themselves – since they never did anything to jeopardize their very existence.

The Bears – Save Me

I was driving home the other day and what do I hear on the radio. I hear that the fucking Supreme(ly fucked up) Court is planning to weaken some more environmental protections. Because there are six fucked up motherfuckers who hate the environment and will bend over, roll over, heel and do absolutely everything to the benefit of rich people and right-wing ranchers, developers, fossil fuel fetishists and general plunderers who don’t give a flying fuck about anything but themselves.

Guess which fuckwits are poised to pull another rug out from a habitable planet

If there is a god, and I am in no way prepared to admit that there might be, I feel it is safe to say that he, she or it, or they (who am I to assume a pronoun) thinks that the human race was either a huge mistake or just a bunch of selfish, mindless, hairless apes who just want to piss all over everything, future be damned. Clearly this pinnacle of creation did a lousy fucking job of stewardship. Some of them even twisted the whole concept from taking care and protecting creation to having dominion, which they then decided meant thoughtless, selfish, absolute control.

Quicker aside: If there is a god, I damn sure hope it’s not the one to whom professional fuckhead Doug Mastriano and abortion financier Herschel Walker are praying to rescue their disgusting, shameless campaigns for Pennsylvania governor and Georgia Senator respectively.

World Party – And God Said…

Maybe whoever (if anyone) made us did so to satisfy some self-esteem issues. Maybe we’re only really here because whoever it was needed someone to run around screaming about her existence and how great and glorious she is (or was). I’m going with her for now since it seems pretty foolish to think a man created everything, but women are the ones who created life from then on. Doesn’t make any fucking sense.

And guess whose profits went through the roof, increasing by 340% between the first and second quarters of 2022. (Hint: it wasn’t me) 

So much for calming the fuck down.

The End is Nye | Official Trailer

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

*And, of course, all six of them are radical Christians who believe church should trump state (pun unavoidable, but nonetheless nauseating).

I. Mangrey reporting. Hair and planet on fire.                                                                      


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