Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Fellatio In Moscow

February 14, 2024

Carlson and Putin in the green room before their big, hot date

A Fitting Story For Valentine's Day

It was love at first blight. New BFFs (Bleating Fascist Fucks) Fucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin, joined farces for two hours of propaganda and perfidy. Because he was not born in time to interview Hitler to ask him “Why do you think the Jews should be exterminated? I think it’s an important question and people need to know your feelings.”

By all accounts – you won’t get me to go anywhere near that steaming pile of assholery – Putin used almost every one of those shamefully wasted 120 minutes to pitch his manure, barely letting his mark get a word in edgewise. And while any minute devoid of the fingernails-on-chalkboard tones of Fucker Carlson’s voice is generally a victory for humankind, replacing that horrendous screeching with Putin’s propaganda is hardly a reprieve.

Carlson’s hard hitting ass kissing was a two-hour sodden soliloquy by Putin

Today, since he is alive (proving there is no God) and very disturbed, Carlson made his way to Moscow because, “not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, Vladimir Putin.” This “conflict” as Putin pal Carlson called it saw Putin unilaterally invade Ukraine for one reason and one reason only – he is a sociopathic megalomaniac who wants to take control of every country/region that had been part of the failed Soviet Union. You can see why Carlson felt the bloodthirsty Bolshevik deserved a fair shake.

Fucker Carlson is no stranger to hanging around with
and maniacal strongmen (even loser, weak ones)

The Russians have a phrase for unwitting (and otherwise) assets who are used to spread propaganda, disinformation and chaos in pursuit of world dominance. That phrase is “useful idiot.” Fucker Carlson in many ways fits that bill, or at least he used to. However, since Carlson was fired by Fux News (having previously been fired by MSNBC and CNN) and relegated to some dank, diseased outpost of the internets, he must hold a special place among useful idiots like Donald Trump and other members of the Fascist/Trump Party. Fucker Carlson is a useless idiot. And you could say he really blew it with Putin.

One more thing...

While we’re on the subject of idiots, useful and otherwise, when asked about his views on NATO, Putin’s once very useful idiot Trump told his less useful idiots that if a member of NATO was arrears in paying their dues (dues that do not actually exist) and was attacked by Russia, “No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.” Said the repeatedly bankrupt fake billionaire who is absolutely famous for, and has bragged about, not paying his bills. How do you think he got so rich? Hint: it wasn’t by using the moldy peanut he considers a very, very large uh-brain, that rattles around in his skull.

I. Mangrey reporting. Member of the Dia Tribe. 

1 comment:

  1. We all KNOW he didn't talk to the 'the leader of "a big country"', and that no leader called him 'sir'. Everything he says is a confession....
