Sunday, December 13, 2020

Chrump’s Campaign-Capping Chores

To Do Or Not To Do, That Is The Question. Not.

December 13, 2020

El Presidon'te

Donald Chrump’s cult of malignant personality rages on. Having exhausted all legal means, such as they were, of defying the will of the people, Chrump – in typical Republican’t fashion – after failing to prevail using their normal anti-democratic antics of suppressing, purging and gerrymandering the life out of the electoral process, were forced to resort to, as they say in the business, making shit up. Given the current medieval state of affairs in this country, the conspiracy theories and outright lies injected into the already addled minds of the Chrumpublican true believers has led to the powder keg we now face.

Chrump supporters coming to grips with election results

It looks like the Supreme Court, unable to fudge the election without it looking more obviously fabricated than Donald Chrump’s fake hair and his clown-like face coloring. The last “best” appeal by 17 attorneys general, attempting to have the votes from numerous swing states Chrump lost simply thrown out, was summarily dismissed with little more than a whimpering semi-dissent from supreme disgraces Samuel Alito and Clarence “Uncle” Thomas. It’s all over but the unending, insane, seditious tweeting.

This is an ex-president

According to reports, Donald Chrump has spent over 20 percent of his time in office at one of his golf courses. Wasting our time by shirking the job he never wanted, let alone wanted to do, and wasting our money by bilking us for making the Secret Service pay for lodging and golf cart rentals so they can follow him around while he cheats on the links.

Many, including myself, have compared Chrump to Roman Emperor Nero, who famously “fiddled while Rome burned.” Nero is purported to have reveled in the beauty of the flames, offering no action to stop the devastation.

Unlike Nero, who stood by apathetically, Chrump is busy pouring gasoline on the flames. Chrump does not even have the degree of humanity Nero had, to appreciate the beauty of the flames.

Chrump is spending his final days, his last throes if you will, in office – when he is not obsessively lying and whining about how the election was fake, rigged, fixed, stolen, and the most unsecure ever – eradicating the environment, kissing the KKKonfederacy, pulverizing the postal service, riling up racists, fawning over fascists, eviscerating the economy, further fucking up foreign affairs, vilifying voting, debilitating the Defense Department, incapacitating intelligence, corroding the Constitution and generally torturing the transition process.

In a King George III-like frenzy of utter madness, Chrump has thrown himself into his "work" for the first time since taking office nearly four years ago. Not the work of the people, the country or anything vaguely concerned with managing reality, but the work of propping up Donald Chrump. And this is no easy feat. Have you seen what goes on from the neck down on that thing? I assure you it’s no better than what happens from the neck up and that is, as you know, one scary shitshow. After four years of, what by his standards passed for running the country, Chrump recently told his assembled virus fanciers, “I’ve probably worked harder in the last three weeks than I have in my life.” Really? As they say in the South when they mean something very different, “Bless his heart.”

I wish he would just shut the fuck up and fiddle.

I. Mangrey recoiling.

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