Saturday, July 10, 2021

Broken News

Very Fine People…It Takes One To Know One

July 10, 2021

In the most unsurprising news since the bloated gasbag racist clown descended his golden shower elevator, to announce his reality tv candidacy and pronounce his belief about Mexicans: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” adding, with all the sincerity of a KKK grand dragon expressing his love of African Americans, that “Some I assume are good people,” a new book exposes the racist buffoon as saying, “Hitler did a lot of good things.”

I mean sure, Turmp did manage to lie about thinking that some Mexicans were good people, then, a mere two years later, he let the truth sneak out when he described some neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates and raging anti-Semites as “very fine people.” His excuse for that? “I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general.” Yes, just like believing that Hitler did good things, Robert E. Lee – one of the most horrific traitors in American history – ran a very good war against the United States. And then three years after giving props to Lee, Turmp who believes he also did a lot of good things, attempted to wage his own war against the United States – a war he continues to wage to this day.

So no, we are not surprised to learn that the most seditious president in American history has soft spots in both his heart and his head for one of the most reviled figures in human history. Next, we will learn that Turmp thinks Jeffrey Dahmer had a very sophisticated palate.

How Many Civil Wars Does It Take To Screw Up A Country?

Team Turmp is attempting to Orwell the January 6 insurrection, calling the violent trespassers “patriots.” If memory serves, Jefferson Davis said the same thing about his team while attempting the overthrow of the government during the First Civil War. Both of these movements also have in common the goal of protecting the systemic Whiteness of this stolen land.

Musical Interlude…

Bruce Cockburn – Stolen Land

Never satisfied with merely being the biggest asshole in the room, escaped mental patient Turmp, desperately trying to put his Medusa-esque face back in the spotlight for something other than having the company that bears his now-toxic name and its CFO (so far) indicted, has decided his best move is standing up for the terrorists he incited to dismember the Capitol, if not many of its denizens. Turmp is now whining that these poor, persecuted traitors, who brutally assaulted both the Capital police and the Capitol itself should be released from jail at once because they “are being treated unbelievably unfairly when you look at people in prison.” He recently asked a crowd of credulous cretins and gullible goons at a Florida rally to Fuck America Some More, “How come so many people are still in jail over January 6?” Yeah, they did a lot of good things.

Donald’s most recent asinine attempt to reinsert himself into the disintegrating limelight, is what most legal experts deride as nonsensical. Turmp is pretending to file lawsuits against Twitter, F*&$book and YouTube, who banned him for his incessant lying and dangerous rhetoric all aimed at cultivating Turmp’s cult-leader façade. These leading social media platforms were finally forced to take action after Der Furor incited the assault on the Capitol and our democracy on January 6, 2021. Undaunted, unhinged and mostly unconscious, Turmp is bound and determined to rise from the assholes like a fractious phoenix, to once again brutalize our eyes, ears and souls.

A modern-day Medusa; do not let your eyes linger on its vile visage

Donny, baby, sweety, cookie, I know these mental munchkins are your base, your peeps (though in reality you despise them as lowlife losers), but they are, inarguably, violent criminals who – on your say-so – attempted to “hang Mike Pence,” capture and/or kill any number of members of Congress, and to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States. You are as guilty as they are. Even Mitch Fucking McConnell and Spineless Kevin McCarthy said you were, before they said you weren't. The fact that you have been allowed to remain at large, does not make you any less culpable than those who have been rounded up and stored safely away from the citizenry until tried and/or convicted. Is it possible that this is the reason you want them released? It is certainly not because you are concerned for their well-being. After all, they are not you. And just because you have not the slightest clue what this country is about or how it is meant to function, does not make you fit to be anything but tied.

In closing, it can only be said, and apparently cannot be said often enough, “Donald, shut the fuck up and stick your greasy head back up your ass where it belongs, and leave us the fuck alone.”

I. Mangrey reporting.

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