Friday, June 3, 2022

It’s The Guns, Stupid

Safety Last

June 3, 2022

“If you could wave a magic wand and eliminate all firearms in America, there would be substantially more murders.”
                               Sen. Raphael “Ted” Cruz (R-NRA)

“If you could wave a magic wand and eliminate Ted Cruz from America, there would be substantially less gut-wrenching stupidity and death.”
                               Ed Venture, American citizen

Ad from the company that manufactures the weapon
used in the Uvalde, TX gun massacre

The fucking Ratpublicans continue to blame everything under the Sun except guns. They blame video games, music, lack of church attendance (are we supposed to force people to go to church now, and expose young boys to sexual abuse at the hands of priests – which I suppose is better than being shot to death, but I can’t say for sure), mental health, crappy doors, poorly armed teachers, not enough armed guards surrounding every school, church, bar, restaurant, grocery store, hospital, etc., abortions, Critical Race Theory, Jewish Space Lasers, Cheez Whiz, abolition, and reefer madness for all the gun deaths. Some of these were made up, but can you guess which ones?

The Gun Obsessed Party insists that since no kind of gun regulation will stop every gun murder or mass shooting, there is simply no point in doing anything accept keep weapons of war in the hands of anyone who wants them, whenever they want them and for whatever reason they want them, I guess until everyone without a gun has been gunned down in cold blood. USA! USA! USA! 

Naturally, Ratpublicans will never support anything to improve mental health care, doors (or anything else) for public schools or accountability for sexual abuse at the hands of clergy. As far as church attendance, nobody has spent less time in church or followed the teachings of Jesus than Donald Tmurp. And why are all these shooters better armed than law enforcement? And just how well regulated are all these non-existent militias for which the right of the people to keep and bear arms are so necessary?  

That’s one happy fucking family there
Guns have become the leading cause of death for American children 

Fun Fact: While Ratpublicans repeatedly blame mental illness for gun violence, they insist that people who are known to be mentally unstable should be permitted to own firearms. 

The Guess Who (from Canada) – Guns, Guns, Guns

I. Mangrey, well-regulated.                                                                                               


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