Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Just So We’re Clear…

Paying Attention

June 22, 2022

“You know what I like about Trump? Everybody was afraid of him, including me.”
                        Lily-Livered Lindsey Graham, June 17, 2022

Too many Americans do not really care about the former disgraced president who was impeached twice (once for aiding and abetting Russia by blackmailing Ukraine and once for plotting to overthrow the government of, by and for the people who overwhelmingly voted to throw him out – as if he ever really wanted or performed the job in the first place) inciting and plotting a coup.

Instead of Paying Attention to the two most critical issues at hand – the unrelenting climate crisis and the stealing of democracy – too many Americans are focused on high prices of gas and groceries, and generally not having enough money to survive. These of course are worthy concerns, but rather than taking the time to understand who is to blame – greedy corporate “people” and power-mad Ratpublicans who would sooner see us all suffer or die than cede control – many Americans blame Joe Biden.

“The neoconservative is willing to leave those problems [economically destructive, unwarranted tax cuts for the wealthy] to be coped with by liberal interregnums. He wants to shape the future and will leave it to his opponents to tidy up afterwards”
                Irving Kristol, considered the “godfather of neoconservatism”

They will continue to vote for Ratpublicans who, when they are not plotting to end democracy by taking over the government in perpetuity, by hook and/or by crookspend their spare time peddling fear and hate. Even though Ratpublicans do nothing for the majority of Americans, and in fact focus all their energies on taking from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich.  And protecting guns. And stopping people who don’t vote for them (mostly people of color) from voting. And forcing rape and incest victims and other women to give birth whether they want to or not. And ruining life on Earth. But it’s easier to blame Biden.

So, how exactly is that working out so far?

Ron vs. Don

The battle in the Ratpublican Party is now down to two of the most cynical sad-sacks imaginable. Two soulless autocrats who have no interest in democracy, America or you. Whichever one prevails, if given the opportunity to lead more than his party, he will take this country wherever it lets him. And it will assuredly not be to a shining city on a hill.

DuhSantis & Duh Führer in happier times (for them, not for us)

These two nincompoops, once two pea-brains in a poisoned pod, have now positioned their oversized, unjustifiable egos* to be at loggerheads. Each continues to “believe” and promulgate the Big Coup Lie. They would rather ban books than guns. Enemies of empathy, democracy, America and reality. But now, like a morally-bankrupt Mothra versus a grift-obsessed Godzilla, they are mortal enemies determined to defeat each other and, ultimately, us.

*Though to be fair, many have conceded that Turmp is probably the greatest grifter in American history…and that’s saying something.

I. Mangrey convulsing.



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