Friday, May 12, 2017

A Pence For Your Thoughts

Things You Need to Know About Soon-To-Be-President Mike Pence

The Wall between Church and State
May 12, 2017

While I take a few days to process the Watergate Cover-up 2.0 – or as it will soon be known, Don Chrump’s Comey-over – let me whet your whistle with what is behind Door #2. Yes, that’s right; you’ve won a 165-week joy ride with none other than The Man From Sad – the homophobic, Cro-Magnon-who-cannot-have-lunch-with-a-woman-unless-his-wife-is-in-the-room (one presumes pleasuring herself), and soon-to-be-theocratic ruler of the country formerly known as America – Mike Pence. Sure, he looks inocuous. In fact, in most lighting he is barely visible, but his religious fanaticism, once let loose in the White House, will make you see all manner of things better left unseen. In just a few short months he will become the first un-elected president since Gerald Ford…I mean George W. Bush…I mean Donald Chrump. After that it is anyone’s guess how long our country will even vaguely resemble a diverse, democratic, secular society. Thanks Obama.
Radical Christian Extremist
Mike Pence frequently and fervently attacked what Republican’ts insisted were Hillary Clinton’s emails of mass destruction on the campaign trail. How dare she use a private server and email account to conduct official business. Pence was not part of Chrump’s actual “Lock her up” chorus, but his feelings on the matter were clear enough. He described as "troubling" and "incomprehensible" the FBI's decision not to bring charges against Clinton for her heinous electronic transgressions. Former FBI Director James Comey, no Clinton fan, infamously shot off his mouth to a Senate committee, opining that Hillary had behaved “negligently” with her email (This would later cause him to become “slightly nauseous.), after testifying in no uncertain terms that there was insufficient evidence to bring charges against Clinton. Funny thing; Indiana Gov. Mike Pence – who happens to be the same Mike Pence who is now president-in-waiting – used his personal AOL (Really? AOL? LOL) account to conduct some amount of government business, including homeland security issues.
Those in the know claim that security-conscious users should avoid AOL Mail. This might be the reason Pence is withholding, or orchestrating the withholding of, some number of emails from his AOL account to this day. Pence insists that his use of a personal account to conduct government business is legal, which is true. You know, because he is not Hillary Clinton. However, his behavior seems surprisingly negligent to me. Oh, and did I mention that his AOL account was hacked? I should have. Unfortunately, I have to admit that it is troubling and incomprehensible for charges not to be brought against Pence for putting our nation at risk with his cavalier use of emails.
Pence tried and failed to get Planned Parenthood defunded in Congress, but he succeded in defunding it as governor of Indiana. He was also accused of using the Indiana State Police to suppress African American votes.
More recently Pence lied to reporters about not knowing that Mike Flynn was cavorting with the Russians…and Turkey. Pence was in charge of the Chrump transition team and undoubtedly knew of Flynn’s dalliances, double-dealing and douchebaggery. They don’t call him the Swamp Marsmallow for nothing. (Disclaimer: I am not sure anyone actually calls him the Swamp Marshmallow, but it is never too late to start.)
Mike Pence, official portrait
Pence’s Year of Living Stupidly
In 2000 Pence, then running for an open U.S. House seat, proposed using HIV/AIDS funding for “gay conversion therapy”, which has been thoroughly debunked. Gov. Pence signed into law legislation that allowed businesses, organizations and individuals to discriminate against people on religious grounds. This of course was easily seen-through window dressing for anti-gay legislation. He not only supported legislation banning same-sex marriage, but wanted to jail same-sex couples who dared apply for a marriage license. Pence also opposed repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” and railed against the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes bill. This is just the tip of the Pence anti-gay hate-berg. He may be a toxic homophobe, but at least Pence was willing to stand up for another group that takes a great deal of abuse from people everywhere – the tobacco industry.
Also in 2000, Pence came out against a proposed settlement between government and the tobacco industry, because it was “big government” interference in people’s lives – you know like same sex marriage or abortion rights. He wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” Pence received at least $13,000 in contributions from tobacco-friendly groups, including a $1,000 check from R.J. Reynolds, who praised the Indiana governor for his “position on issues important to our company.” While there is no proof that Pence went on to say that smoking is better for you than being gay, let us assume that he did.

He is everywhere and nowhere at the same time
Chrump, The Orange Gas Cloud, has no substance, no actual policy positions, and just spews fumes wherever he goes. He will take any position that keeps him on television and makes people who do not know any better yell, “Lock her up!”, “Build the wall!”, or “Ban the Muslims!” or just simply “Chrump, Chrump, Chrump!” Pence on the other hand is a seasoned Washington insider. He has very consistent positions some of which I have mentioned above and others I am sure we would never want to know let alone lie under. He is likely more dangerous that his happy-go-fucky boss, whose only concerns are his popularity, his ability to keep showing up on the TV and, most important of all, his “hair”. Pence also knows better than to stay up all night watching the likes of Sean Hannity, Fux and Friends, Alex Jones and Breitbart, and then tweeting the most pathetic drivel one might expect after a week-long bender, let alone from the (gulp) president of the United States. The imminent demise of Donald Chrump should not be hoped for too vigorously because the second-in-command is, in many ways, the evil of two lessers. I say, “Keep him in, keep him in, keep him in!”…until just before the mid-term elections next year. I want every voter to be thinking about Donald J. Chrump when the rush to the voting booth to repeal and replace Congress next November. With any luck he will not have started Word War III before then.

I like him better as a gas, not a mushroom cloud.
I. Mangrey reporting. There is no easy way out.                                                                    

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