Friday, October 13, 2017

Chrump’s “Presidency” of Mass Destruction

Circus Jerk

October 13, 2017
The timing could not have been better. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, self-described Greatest Show on Earth, closed its tent flaps after almost 100 years of entertaining the American public and torturing elephants. This circus became obsolete once Chrumpy the Clown won the hearts and minds of the Electoral College and moved into the White House. There is a new circus in town. Though the Clown-in-chief is also fond of torturing elephants, these metaphorical elephants (this does not include the actual elephants his namesake enjoys murdering in cold blood for “sport”) deserve everything they get.  

Who needs elephants in tutus? 
Republican’t chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker – an enthusiastic Chrump supporter during the campaign, and short-lister for Secretary of State (Chrump decided Corker was too short for the job – clearly a critical requirement for the post) and Vice President – has now gone on record as calling Chrump immature, mentally unstable and dangerous to national security. Corker said that due to Chrump’s erratic behavior, “we could be heading towards World War III.” Corker was able to summon up the incredible courage to confront the man he helped put in the White House only after he decided not to seek another term as senator. Very gutsy.

That’s what you call a real corker, Bob.
If only there had been clues prior to the election, other than Chrump’s every single word, tweet and action, to Chrump’s personality and demeanor, maybe we could have avoided this scenario. But alas, Chrump seemed so calm and thoughtful during his run for the presidency. Except for that one time when he called Mexicans criminals and rapists…and every moment thereafter.

When I grow up I want to be as petty as the president.
Just Goes to Show That in America, Anyone Can Grow Up (Or Not) To Be President*
Chrump, a narcissistic racist with fascist tendencies, has given us a “Presidency” of Mass Destruction. Anyone who still works for this babbling bufoon, needs to take a long look in the mirror. Some of them, I assume, are good people. Or were. Serving such a master negates any humanity that might once have been. Chrump might be a sociopathic clown, but he does have opposable thumbs – small though they may be – and he has access to the nuclear football. We should well remember that Chrump asked a foreign policy advisor three times in one hour why he could not use nuclear weapons once he became president – or whatever we now must call it. Orange Julius Caesar is quoted as asking, “If we have them, why can't we use them? Why can't we use nuclear weapons?" We can only hope that someone was able to show Chrump some pretty pictures that explained why using nuclear weapons can be a bad thing. Then we must hope that they show him these pictures on a daily basis, since he has the attention span of a carrot.
I. Mangrey reporting. I never called the president a f&%king moron. Believe me.
That was not a compliment

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