Monday, October 23, 2017

Nobody Likes a Sore Winner, Especially This One

Focused Like a Loser Laser

October 23, 2017
Der Furor is focused on exactly one thing. His entire campaign, and now his “presidency” spring from a singular desire. This underlying theme might not be obvious to the casual observer, but there is little else swirling around in that orange-colored head of his. Even the all-consuming desire to monetize his new position is secondary to his prime directive. Believe me.
It does not matter if it is domestic issues or foreign affairs. Whether the economy, immigration, health care, the environment, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, Russia (there might actually be much more to this particular issue), Chrump is determined to achieve one thing above all else. This I can tell you.
The F&$king-moron-in-chief insists that the “Iranian regime has committed multiple violations of the agreement.” Not everyone agrees with Chrump’s made-up assessment. Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford said, “Iran is not in material breach of the agreement and I do believe the agreement to date has delayed the development of a nuclear capability by Iran.” Rex Tillerson added, “My view on the nuclear deal is they are in technical compliance of the nuclear arrangement.” Defense Secretary James Mattis testified that it was in our national security interest to keep the deal in place. Most of the rest of the world agrees with everyone-but-Chrump. I suppose, as he said on the campaign trail, Chrump still thinks he knows more than all the generals.
The Iran deal was not something the previous administration imposed unilaterally. The United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, China, Germany and the rest of the European Union all signed on. If Chrump gets his way with scuttling this deal – unilaterally – it will tarnish America’s ability to act globally for the foreseeable future.
Don’t get me wrong, Iran is not to be trusted, and this deal says nothing about trusting them. At least Iran was not hacking our elections, unlike a certain other country whose ass Hair Chrump continues to kiss.
Despite Tillerson announcing that he was negotiating with North Korea, Trump could not resist tweeting, “I told Rex Tillerson…that he is wasting his time negotiating with Little Rocket Man…Save your energy Rex we’ll do what has to be done!” Only Donald Trump would think that thinly veiled threats of conflagration and name-calling of a dangerous nuclear-armed adversary was a good idea.
Chrump has also been obsessed with destroying the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare, as Republican’ts called it). The Republican leadership was similarly obsessed, attempting to repeal the ACA dozens of times since 2010. Their dream of doing so finally seemed to have disintegrated as a legislative accomplishment. Chrump finally decided to sign an executive order designed to sabotage the ACA. If anyone thinks Obamacare is a “total and complete disaster” as Chrump insists, just wait until Chrumpcare kicks in (the teeth of healthcare in America). The ACA was certainly not perfect – mostly due to constant sabotage by Republicants – but it was, for all intents and purposes, a Republican-style plan dating back to Bob Dole, Ronald Reagan and the conservative Heritage Foundation, and eventually implemented in Massachusetts by a governor named Mitt Romney. Republicants were fine with this type of approach until Obama agreed to go along with it, hoping it would be better than nothing. Once Obama gave in, they moved the goalposts…to the gates of Hell.
Chrump has only one agenda: undo everything that Barack Obama did. Perhaps Chrump still fervently believes in his racist attack on the legitimacy of Obama’s presidency. After all, Trump built his political machine on his lie-filled birtherism campaign – insisting, beyond all reason that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Chrump is a racist, a trait he inherited from his father, who attended at least one KKK rally. He called Mexicans “criminals and rapists”, and after the Charlottesville kerfuffle and murder of an anti-racist protester, insisted that some of those marching with Nazis and white nationalists were “very fine people.” After all, they were just trying to protect a statue of a treasonous racist. Does that make them bad people?
I do not believe that Chrump’s long history of racist behavior is what drives his presidency. It is solely his hatred for Barack Obama, and not just because of his race. Chrump is hell-bent on undoing everything and anything accomplished during Obama’s presidency out of spite. If Chrump could bring Osama bin Laden back from the dead, I would bet good money that he would do it.
I. Mangrey reporting.

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