Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Generally Disgusting

Kelly’s Zeros

October 25, 2017
Sarah Huckabee Slanders told the soon-to-be-ex-democracy known as America that it is inappropriate to question a four-star general even though the person in question is no longer a general. This ex-general had just finished lying right to our faces while brutally bashing (verbally for a change, thank goodness) Frederica Wilson, an African American congresswoman in defense of his pathetic boss.
John Kelly, supposedly the adult in the room keeping Chrump in line, was a beast as a general. He supported illegal and brutal treatment of prisoners of war. War criminal might be too strong a categorization, but who am I to say that the man in charge of Guantanamo Bay prison who responded to detainees’ peaceful hunger strike in 2013 with force-feeding, solitary confinement, and rubber bullets was a war criminal. I am no expert, but many people are saying this. Believe me.
Who am I to question a general who sabotaged efforts by his commander in chief – when it was Barack Obama – to resettle detainees. This of course preceded his vicious treatment of immigrants in America as head of Homeland Security, prior to becoming chief-of-staff for the most dishonest man ever to hold the title president of the United States. Sure Kelly partially purged a number of Nazis and white nationalists from Chrump’s White House – but only because their egos were too big for Kelly to tolerate, not because of their horrific philosophies. Kelly is not a man of honor and probably never was. Now, he is just following orders of a man who is staggeringly unqualified and unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
What kind of un-American asshole would dare question the veracity of a four-star general? I’ll give you some hints: In November 2015 this putz said, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.” In July 2016, he said "So a general gets on, sent obviously by Obama, and he said, 'Mr. Trump doesn't understand. He knows nothing about defense.' I know more about offense and defense than they will ever understand; believe me. Believe me. Than they will ever understand. Than they will ever understand." He has the best words, a very good brain, and the only thing he does more than cheat at golf is lie…
I hope Huckabee Slanders can forgive me for asking if John Kelly is just another in a long line of racists and fascists in Chrump’s inner circle. I imagine it is possible that Kelly is merely acting like a racist and a fascist at every turn for some effect. Just because he has consistently shown disdain for people of color, and has demonstrated repeatedly that prefers to do as he pleases, does that make him a racist and a fascist? Who am I to answer such a question? Remember, in today’s America it is not considered racism unless you are lynching black people. And John Kelly is a very fine person – just like all those other very fine people marching with torches and chanting Nazi slogans in the streets of Charlottesville. Nothing to see here.

And what the hell happened in Niger? This is Chrumpghazi, but Republican’ts have allegiance only to their alternative America. These knuckleheads are once again going full psycho on Hillary Clinton’s emails - I kid you not - instead of digging into Chrumps’s Russia connections and his eerily Benghazi-like episode in Niger. We are so far through the looking glass that one would be hard pressed to find a way back to non-alternative reality.
I. Mangrey reporting. Tune in next time when we drop the F-bomb bigly.