Friday, February 1, 2019

Chrump Attacks Intelligence

Donald J. Chrump, A Man of The World (Inside His Head)

February 1, 2019
It could not be more obvious that Donald Chrump has no time for intelligence.  He is anti-science, anti-democracy, anti-truth, and absolutely – literally and figuratively – anti-intelligence.  The head of every intelligence agency testified before the Senate this week and basically disagreed with every aspect of Chrump’s foreign policy blunders.  They probably resent finding out what their Commander-in-chief is doing via Twitter, since Chrump is too busy watching television to meet with them, or read any of the reports they provide.  Not only that, but the man-who-would-hold-America-hostage-for-an-idiotic-wall listens to no one but Vladimir Putin, Sean Hannity and the psychotic troll inside his head, and says the entire U.S. intelligence community is “extremely passive and naïve,” adding, “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”
“I’m like, a smart person.  Intelligence is for losers.”
Before the sun rose the following day, Donald Twitterhands was as conscious as he gets, and tweeting his displeasure with intelligence.  The previous day, heads of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Defense Intelligence Agency and Director of National Intelligence – all of America’s intelligence agencies…that we know of, all testified at the annual Worldwide Threat Hearing.  Across the board, they panned Chrump’s actions regarding North Korea, ISIS and Iran.  Dangerous Don cannot tolerate anyone who disagrees with him since, as far as he knows, he is never wrong.  After all, he has the best words, the best brain and the best people – some of whom, by the way are the very same intel chiefs that just told Congress and the American people that the guy who hired them is a clueless nimrod who might be the most serious threat to our nation.
For example, Chrump insists that he and Kim Jong Un are in love and that North Korea is ceasing all nuclear weapons related program activities.  The facts on the ground show that Un has been ramping up his missile and WMD programs unabated, even as Chrump waxes moronic about an upcoming second meeting with Un.  Conversely, Chrump contends that Iran is an increasing nuclear threat and that the Iran nuclear deal brokered by Obama is the worst deal in history.  The intelligence community once again reports that despite Chrump’s efforts to derail the agreement, Iran is not in violation of any aspect of the treaty.  Only a month ago Chrump said, “We have won against ISIS.  We’ve beaten them and we’ve beaten them very badly…And now it’s time for our troops to come back home.”  Just days ago, DNI Dan Coates said, “ISIS is intent on resurging and still commands thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria.”  And of course, Dumbass Don has repeatedly sided with Vladimir Putin over American intelligence when it comes to Russian meddling in the 2016 election.  This week Coates said, “We expect Russia to wage its information war…and use social media to divide our society.”

It is difficult to decide who to believe – the man with the very, very large (albeit sclerotic and badly damaged) brain, or the intelligence experts who have access to the latest information, for which their boss has neither time, nor interest.  After all, Chrump told us last July, “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”  In the throes of his bashing of the intelligence community Chrump, was asked about the report, “I didn’t see the report,” he said at the end of a long rant.  Oh, and then the Republican't Senate weighed in, rebuking Chrump on ISIS, Syria and Afghanistan.
One thing none of the intelligence agencies counted as an actionable threat to national security?  Mexicans and other assorted brown people breaching our borders.  Chrump’s obsession does not seem to register with those who have the intelligence (literally and figuratively).  This is unlikely to dissuade Chrump from crying EMERGENCY ACCOMPLISHED when Congress passes a budget without a penny for his beloved wall, or steel slats, or barrier, or giant beaded curtain, or infinite cheesecloth.  However, it might present some problems when Der Furor tries to build his wildly unpopular, useless, racist wall without Congressional approval. 
Intelligence disagrees with everything Chrump does
We also learned, if there was any question previously, that both Russia and China have the capability to sabotage all aspects of America’s energy grid via cyber attack.  In April 2018, the White House forced out its cybersecurity czar Tom Bossert.  A week later, cybersecurity coordinator Rob Joyce said he would also be leaving.  Instead of replacing either of them, the Chrump and Friends have decided to leave the positions unfilled.  So, we have no one overseeing cybersecurity policy.
As of 2017, Chrump’s top cyber expert has been Rudy “Truth Isn't Truth” Giuliani.  You might not feel safer with the knowledge that Giuliani (I shit you not) has no idea how anything related to the internet works.  He recently whined to reporters that Twitter was out to get him.  Not to worry though, because Chrump has told us that he is an expert on cyber.  This from a man who does not use email, or the internet, or own a computer, or know how to spell if his tweets are any indication.  I wonder who is working his thumbs for him when he is on the toilet tweeting.   
I. Mangrey reporting.

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