Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Thought For The Day

The Hardest Working Man in No-Business
February 13, 2019
Not being, nor having ever been an executive, I have never been afforded any executive time.  If I was an executive, I would probably admit to having downtime, not needing to hide behind the Orwellian ‘executive time.’  Being a relatively normal human being, I readily admit that a good bit of my time is spent being less than optimally productive – as clearly evidenced by the very words you are now reading.
I suppose that if I were president of the United States, or merely pretending to be, I would want people to think that I was a very busy man, doing extremely president-y things for many hours a day, over many days of every week, with the possible exception of formal vacation time.  Especially if I had made a point of saying how hard I would work, how I would never leave the White House, and would certainly never waste precious presidential time (and millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars, not a few of which ended up in my own pockets) on a golf course.
Chrump, clearly pretending to be on the phone, presumably on a fake important call
related to the single piece of blank paper which was likely his reading for the week
If I was Donald Chrump, on the off chance that I did not die of shame, or of the knowledge that I spawned Don, Jr. and Eric, or the horrifying shock of seeing my own reflection in my gold-plated refrigerator, I suppose I would not hesitate to lie about how I spent the few days that I actually dedicated to doing the work of being president.  If I even had the slightest clue or interest in what that meant.
Say what!?  He is not even working hard cleaning up the mess he made.
One would think that Chrump’s people would at the very least find a way to make his schedule appear to be filled with events that seemed befitting a president.  Unfortunately for them we can see what fills his fitful hours because there are time stamps on every tweet he farts out. Chrump cannot tell the difference between working hard and hardly working. 
Whatever he is, I’m against it.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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