Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Working Hard at Hardly Working

I Guess It's a Good Thing He Doesn't Like Beer

February 5, 2019
Remember when candidate Chrump accused Jeb Bush of being “low energy?”  Remember when candidate Chrump accused Hillary Clinton of not having the stamina to be president?  Remember when George W. Bush lost the popular vote and went on to become the worst president in our nation’s history…until Donald Chrump lost the popular vote and went on to become the worst president in our nation’s history?  But, I digress.
We know that Chrump has spent more time golfing than any other president – after raising hell about Obama’s golfing habits while in office.  Chrump’s private daily schedules covering nearly every weekday of the past three months were recently leaked to Axios.  The majority of his working hours are described as unstructured “executive time.”  According to previous reports on the President’s habits, “executive time” covers a few different tasks: watching television, tweeting, making phone calls and reading.  Yeah, right.  Reading.  He doesn’t even read his own tweets.  Executive time sounds more like recess.  This yutz not only has no clue what the hell he is doing, but he does not even give a shit.
While the schedules assert that Trump takes his executive time in the Oval Office from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., six unnamed sources “with direct knowledge” claim that Chrump actually spends those morning hours in his residence.  It seems only logical, given Chrump’s insatiable proclivity for lying, that any schedule – whether intended for public scrutiny or not – would be less than accurate, unreliable, untrustworthy…you know, bullshit.  The difference between Trump’s largely unstructured schedules and other presidents’ action-packed agendas is astounding.
Chrump waiting for Putin or Hannity to tell him what to do and/or sleeping
According to Axios, based on 51 private schedules they obtained from a source inside the White House, Chrump spent 297 hours in executive time versus 77 hours in meetings for “policy planning, legislative strategy and video recordings,” since November 7th of last year.
Chrump’s non-schedule schedule indicates a deeply troubling lack of formality to the president’s day.  It is simply not possible to get a handle on everything a president is supposed to know, when he is either unaware, disinterested or unconscious and flying, like the Hindenburg, by the seat of his bizarrely ill-fitting pants.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Slanders told reporters, “President Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves.”  Different leadership style?  That is an understatement, a misstatement, and a meaningless statement.  Of course it is different, but there has been nothing to indicate it is anything vaguely resembling leadership.  And style is such a subjective term.  Mental patients who wander the halls and talk to themselves have a style of sorts, so what.  One thing we can agree on however, is that the results speak for themselves.  In Chrump’s case, they are speaking a very different language to most of us, than what they say to him. 
The results I hear speaking include a toxic, middle-class-busting tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, checking off every item on Vladimir Putin’s wish list, shattering long-standing global alliances, foreign policy so horrible it makes George W. Bush look almost acceptable (not really, but please allow me this moment of hyperbole), brought racism and hatred out of the shadows and into the limelight, and not only ignoring the global climate crisis, but doing everything inhumanly possible to worsen the situation.  Fortunately, he has not trashed the economy that Obama built on the ruins of the Bush years, which seems to be, in his fevered mind, his signature accomplishment.  If Chrump has done anything else of actual value for the nation as a whole, I must have blinked when it happened and missed it completely.

Chrump claims his beautiful tone is due to “good genes” -
apparently, he is part navel orange
So, between the “hair” care, the golfing, all that “executive time,” and the pathetically short work days, it is remarkable that he can find the time for over 8,000 lies and all that whining about his worthless wall.  But, imagine how much damage he could do if he was engaged even half the time.  I say, “Take it easy Mr. Prezident.”
I. Mangrey retouching. 

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