Thursday, February 14, 2019

Where’s Wall?…D’oh

Sign of The Crimes

February 14, 2019
Chrump’s latest rally, on the eve of yet another capitulation to the reality he so vigorously and consistently attempts to ignore, featured a huge, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED type banner.  Flailing to spin this most recent defeat, his set designer chose to go with the only color scheme that might make the star attraction appear less orangey by comparison.  Probably not a bad move, though if not for the dark suit, Chrump might have been rendered invisible.
Guess it's time for Chrump to start what he finished
This time reality has prevailed, and Der Furor is too scared of Nancy Pelosi and the risk of being tarred and feathered to stamp his feet enough to bring on another Chrump shutdown.  Not even his very special advisors at Fux News could help him this time.  They too had no choice but to eat crow and tell their viewers it was extra dark chocolate…with feathers.  The delusional spray-tanning addict realized his only option was lying to his base.  He is now selling the idea that the fake and unnecessary wall he has imagined for so long has already been mostly built, somehow behind everyone’s back – though he still continues to whine about needing billions of dollars to build it, and continues to declare that the killer brown people constitute a national emergency, or maybe steal funds from people in need to build…I’m sorry, finish his wall.  Was he planning to skim a few billion off the top as he usually does?
Yes, it’s spelled ‘FINISH THE WALL’, but it’s pronounced ‘BATSHIT CRAZY’
The rapidly deteriorating Chrump told reporters that, “We’re building a lot of it now as we speak.  The wall is very, very…uh, on it’s way.  It’s happening as we speak.  We’re building it as we speak.”  Chrump’s pathetic lemmings cannot stop themselves from following the dimly lit object of their affliction.  Like disoriented, lobotomized rats, they follow the tweeting of the Fried Griper. 
It is difficult to tell what is shrinking faster – Chrump’s wall or his approval rating.  Speaking of shrinking, while watching (ever so briefly) him revel in his minions’ perverse glee, it occurred to me that Chrump’s “hair” is thinning badly, but not nearly as severely as his “sanity”.  His increasingly futile attempts at creating a comb-around-and-around-and-around only become more amusing and less effective with each passing day.  I look forward to the day when he no longer darkens the world.
I. Mangrey crashes Chrump’s rally and dumbass banner
One cannot help but wonder how much of Chrump’s border ballyhooing is meant to distract from the impending descent of Mueller’s Silver Hammer coming down upon his head.  Bang, bang.
I. Mangrey reporting.

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