Saturday, April 20, 2019

Constant Collusion Causes Consternation

Clownish Criminal Chrumps Consistently Committing Crimes

April 20, 2019
Now that America has been granted permission to see most of the Mueller Report by Donald Chrump’s new chief protector and ersatz Attorney General Bill Barr, we can finally begin to see the official version of all the bizarre behavior, incessant insanity and dastardly dishonesty that we were already sure we had been witnessing since Chrump’s escalator descent and the subsequent descent of the United States as a nation.  Oddly, there is literally zero resemblance between Mueller’s findings and Bill Barr’s description thereof.
Though Donald Chrump and all the sociopathic sycophants pretending that what everyone else saw – a stunning case for further investigation and continued prosecution of an overtly lawless and amoral Chrump campaign/administration – was a total victory for Chrumpy the Clown.  Chrump and his Republican’t lemmings, who seem to be blind, deaf and incredibly dumb, are unable and unwilling to deviate from their chosen path: To the cliff!  To the cliff! Everything is fine.  Keep running straight ahead and don’t look back.  I for one applaud their unwavering sense of purpose in this instance.  I say, stay the course.  Stand by your man.
“I win. Mueller loses. I’m totally excoriated.”
In the words of Robert Mueller, “…if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.  Based on the fats and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.”  Mueller’s poor excuse for a “witch hoax” unquestionably clears Chrump of exoneration.

I was under the impression that ignorance of the law was no excuse, but it seems that just plain ignorance might be.  Apparently, Robert Mueller determined that Don, Jr. was simply too stupid to realize he was breaking the law by coordinating with a foreign adversary to use hacked information against his father’s opponent in order to interfere with our elections.  Presumably, Eric Chrump was too stupid to even be included in this particular criminal enterprise.

To be fair, Junior probably had no idea that Russia was an adversary since his father was up to his fake “hair” line in Russian money.  As our criminal president’s namesake told an interviewer in 2008, “… in terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.  We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”  To the Chrump family, the United States is more of an adversary than Russia since U.S. banks turned off the money faucet to the Chrumps in the 1980s.  This of course, was due to the criminality and tendency to welch on debts that was the essence of Chrump’s business model. 
Daddy Chrump can do nothing but continue to pretend that he is winning, and winning bigly.  Even if he had a choice, he is incapable of assimilating any information that runs counter to what goes on in his syphilitic brain.  While everyone around him is playing 3- dimensional chess, Chrump is playing Solitaire.  And he is cheating...and losing.

I. Mangrey reporting.  Chrump is fucked.

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