Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thought For The Day

SPOILER ALERT: Bill Barr is Bogus
April 18, 2019

We recently learned that Chrump’s personal attorney general was even sleazier than we thought, a monumentally high or appallingly low bar, depending on your perspective.  Barr used the same exact language and technique to misrepresent the findings of another special investigation, then into the possible abduction of Manuel Noriega in Panama when Barr was head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in 1989.  This was shortly before Barr became George HW Bush’s Attorney General and provided the smoke screen for pardoning Republican’t convicted felons from the Iran-Contra criminal operation under Ronald Reagan.

As reported by Ryan Goodman, “Members of Congress asked to see the full legal opinion. Barr refused, but said he would provide an account that “summarizes the principal conclusions.” Sound familiar? In March 2019, when Attorney General Barr was handed Robert Mueller’s final report, he wrote that he would “summarize the principal conclusions” of the special counsel’s report for the public.”

It was later found that Barr’s summary of findings completely misrepresented the conclusions of the investigation.  According to Goodman, “When the OLC opinion was finally made public long after Barr left office, it was clear that Barr’s summary had failed to fully disclose the opinion’s principal conclusions. It is better to think of Barr’s summary as a redacted version of the full OLC opinion. That’s because the “summary” took the form of 13 pages of written testimony. The document was replete with quotations from court cases, legal citations, and the language of the OLC opinion itself. Despite its highly detailed analysis, this 13-page version omitted some of the most consequential and incendiary conclusions from the actual opinion. And there was evidently no justifiable reason for having withheld those parts from Congress or the public.”  Now we know exactly what to expect…in case we had any doubts.

Members of Mueller’s team, wrote their own summaries of their findings (meant to be shared with the public), summaries that Barr has kept hidden.  These prosecutors have reportedly said that they were uncomfortable with Barr’s original summary of principal conclusions, as it did not accurately portray what they found.  And that is putting it mildly.  Barr’s entire raison d’être as Chrump’s AG is to protect his boss from the facts.
Barring Anything Unusual
Today Barr will release his colorfully redacted, transparently partisan and deeply dishonest version of the almost two-year-long Mueller investigation.  Barr has already given his Orange Overlord a head start on access to what is coming.  This provides Team Chrump extra time to manufacture the obligatory lies that will help his credulous sheep understand what they are supposed to swallow schnook, whine and stinker.  Those of us in the reality-based community do not need any extra time to prepare the requisite contempt due Chrump's and Barr’s attempts to baffle us with their bullshit.  America will need a long, hot shower after being soiled by Barr's latest defecation.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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