Thursday, April 25, 2019

Our Pornographic President


April 25, 2019

Several senators’ wives formed the Parents Music Resource Center in 1985.  Their stated goal was increasing parental control over children’s access to music deemed to have violent, drug-related or sexual themes – censorship.  Senate hearings were convened with the hope of labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers.  The committee heard from opposition witnesses including musicians from John Denver to Frank Zappa.
Zappa v. Gore, et al.
Bad facts make bad law, and people who write bad laws are, in my opinion, more dangerous than songwriters who celebrate sexuality. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religious Thought, and the Right to Due Process for composers, performers and retailers are imperiled if the PMRC and the major labels consummate this nasty bargain.
             Frank Zappa: Statement To Congress, September 19, 1985
We now have an ignorant, amoral, potty-mouthed president who is alleged (yeah, right) to have spent some adulterous quality time with at least one star of pornographic films and one Playboy playmate.  We know for a fact that Chrump is well-versed in sexual assault.  Apparently, Chrump provides the type of sexual assault that has the blessing of many very religious folks just like the folks who comprised the PMRC.  I have yet to hear anyone accuse Mr. Zappa of sexual impropriety, though he was known to enjoy the company of ladies on the road, and he managed to pass away well before the #MeToo era.
Those very religious folks who are so willing to support The World’s Greatest Sinner – Donald Chrump, self-described grabber of pussies – do not tolerate people such as Frank Zappa, whose very essence raised many hackles among those same very religious folks during his time.  Ironically, more than anyone involved, Zappa clearly had a better grasp of the social and political implications involved, and exposed the entire exercise for what it was. 

On the other hand, Donald Chrump has repeatedly incited violence and has been credibly accused of sexual misbehavior by over a dozen women.  To be fair, Chrump has not been accused of any drug-related behavior – if you discount all the Adderall, and whatever he is taking to fend off the worst of his syphilis symptoms – so, two-out-three ain’t bad.  However, Chrump is known to have paid $130K to each of two women (that we know of) to buy their silence over affairs, one of which occurred shortly after his third wife gave birth to his fifth child.  We will not even talk about Chrump lurking backstage at Miss Universe pageants while women were undressing, or about his repeated, public assertions about his desire to have inappropriate relations with his daughter. 
During the PMRC hearings, the recently departed Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-Dogpatch SC) mentioned that one of the requirements of the definition of pornography was that it had “no redeeming social value.” 
Under that definition one would be correct, if not lauded, for recognizing that this definition of pornography would surely apply to Donald Chrump, who has exhibited precisely zero redeeming social value.  Someone should slap – and I do mean slap – a warning sticker on that thing if only to protect the children.  Some of you might remember Dumbass Donald regaling the 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree with tales of rich men, yachts and one man who, “had a very interesting life. I won’t go any more than that, because you’re Boy Scouts so I’m not going to tell you what he did.”
Donald Chrump: ignorant, inappropriate, incompetent,
with no redeeming social value
I. Mangrey remembering.

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