Monday, April 15, 2019

The Full Mueller

Bill’s Amazing Technicolor Dream Redactions

April 15, 2019
It seems clear that Bill Barr, on his second stint as faux Attorney General, is looking to stop crime in its tracks.  However, not in the customary way.  Rather than stopping crime from occurring, Barr prefers to stop crime from actually being crime.  If there was anyone who thought Barr was going to be Attorney General of the United States, and not just another attorney for Donald Chrump, they were sadly mistaken and/or severely brain damaged.
One cannot help but wonder how much Barr is getting paid under the table by his Orange Overlord.  This one also wonders if Chrump pays more to speak for him or to shut up about him.  It is hard to imagine Barr settling for a measly $130K.  Barr is not just some semi-popular porn star; he is clearly a very high-end prostitute.  Like any successful prostitute, Barr had to strut his stuff in order to attract the right John…or Don in this case.  In lieu of flashing some leg, Barr penned an unsolicited 19-page diatribe insisting that the president (presumably only when he is a Republican't) cannot obstruct justice.  The good old “If the president does it then it is not illegal,” Nixon delusion/defense.
Barr's 19-page fantasy dwarfs the four-page misdirection he spit out while buying time for the Chrump team of legal lightweights to process the report Barr continues to hide from the American public.  For his part, Barr is racking his damaged brain trying to determine the best way to redact enough of Mueller's report to keep his new boss out of prison and America from reinstating our democracy.  Barr, in his usual role as apologist/protector of Republican’t presidents, decided to fall back on the Bush II color-coded terror alerts by redacting the Mueller Report in a variety of colors, presumably with circles and arrows on the back of each page explaining every obfuscation.
Barr’s next stab at the heart of America’s democracy…I mean, at rationalizing one of his predetermined outcomes, will be to prove that Chrump’s thoroughly and repeatedly disproven conspiracy theory of being spied on by the Obama administration really happened.
It’s all very taxing.
I. Mangrey reporting.                                               

1 comment:

  1. We're running out of adjectives down here;could you possibly send more?
    TDS now has its own ICD-10 codes.
