Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Many People May Be Paying Attention

Time Wounds All Heels

April 3, 2019
Some number of people – your faithful scribe in no way among them – had high hopes for Ivanka Chrump and Mr. Ivanka when first it was revealed that the Dyspeptic Duo would be taking on responsibilities in daddy’s White House.  Ivanka’s role was a mystery wrapped in a riddle, nestled within an enigma.  Jared’s responsibilities on the other hand were spelled out in shocking, if not ludicrous detail.
Now, the numbers are in – Ivanka has a 12% very favorable rating, Jared is at six percent.  In a desperate attempt to salvage some sliver of a reputation for something other than going belly up in real estate, Mr. Ivanka summoned up the courage to not only show his twit-ish face in public, but to do it on Fux News.  Incredibly brave, opening himself up to all those Nerf-ball questions.  I assume it was riveting.
Young Jared was initially tasked with brokering (which he clearly thought meant breaking) peace in the Middle East, ending the opioid crisis, reinventing the federal government, criminal justice reform, China relations, Mexico relations, Muslim relations, and changing his father-in-law’s diaper every two hours – otherwise Ivanka’s biggest fan gets very cranky, and you wouldn’t like him when he’s cranky. 
Donald Chrump, prior to getting cranky
Fortunately, Jared was not in charge of dealing with climate crisis.  Chrump is handling that one personally because he is a very stable genius and knows more about science than anyone who has ever lived…or so he says.  I am beginning to have my doubts.
Jared’s reality-TV-esque role would be critical to the function of the executive branch since Chrump would not have time for any of these important, president-y duties as he would be unable to take sufficient time away from soaking taxpayers for his endless golf outings, his extremely busy tweeting schedule, his even more demanding Fux News watching time, and of course, however many hours a day it takes to make him look so damn good, using only those two tiny little hands and what seems more and more to be a brain-dissolving array of chemicals.
Kushner lied repeatedly on his security clearance application, and was forced to change his responses over and over.  Like just about everyone in the Chrump administration, Jared had Russian Amnesia.  Russian Amnesia is like Russian Roulette, except it consists of claiming you do not remember having meetings with a ridiculous number of Russians, then gradually remembering them one by one until you have run out of Russians, while simultaneously shooting yourself in the face (The Cheney Selfie maneuver).  Ultimately, security experts – including Chrump’s Chief-of-staff Gen. John Kelly and White House Counsel Don McGahn (who both wrote memos to cover their filthy, unwiped asses) – determined that Jared was a significant security risk and should not have high level clearance, despite his position as most of the executive branch and a large part of the entire federal government.
Clearly Donny Dearest make a mistake not putting Jared in charge of getting rid of Obamacare.  Two days after announcing – to the surprise of every Republican’t – that he was going to have his Attorney General make Obamacare disappear, relieving millions of people (many of them Chrump fans) of their medical insurance, Der Furor was forced to backtrack by the few Republican’ts who realize that their very survival depends on not killing off their base.  Chrump now says he will wait until after the 2020 election to let us in on his super-secret, special, fanfuckingtastic, better-than-Nixon’s-1968-secret-plan-to-end-the-Vietnam-War-that-took-seven-years-and-failed-miserably-even-after-bombing-Cambodia replacement for Obamacare.  Anyone who believes for a nanosecond that Republican’ts, let alone Chrump, will ever waste a single second devising  a plan to insure all Americans, needs to have their mammal credentials revoked.
Where’s mammal?
I. Mangrey regurgitating. 

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