Friday, September 27, 2019

Goofy’s Choice

None From Column ‘A’ and None From Column ‘B’
September 27, 2019
Perhaps it is a fair question, but I am tired of hearing it, pained by having to ponder it, and sick almost to death of its very existence.  Yet another person asked me if I missed George W. Bush.  The answer is easy.  NO.  George W. Bush was (and I assume still is) a fucking moron surrounded by vicious, power-hungry, greedy people.  They inflicted wide-ranging, long-term damage to America and the world.  At the time I could not imagine a worse president.  I used to think I had a pretty vivid imagination.
Now all I have is a vivid indigestion
I admit that Donald Chrump a much bigger asshole, a more serious threat to the very fabric of our democracy and our society.  The recent exposure of his mob-boss-like attempt to extort help from Ukrainian comedian-turned-president Volodymyr Zelensky is merely the exclamation point on an interminable, comma-inundated list of criminal, treasonous, amoral and idiotic offenses.  The help Donny Douchebag sought, of course, was solicited to dig up dirt on Chrump’s latest opponent, Joe Biden, as well as further attempts to go after Hillary Clinton.  Let go of it already you Jell-O-brained, malignant narcissist.
Side note: Chrump’s insane phone call with Zelensky, which a whistleblower reported to the Inspector General, who in turn described those concerns as “credible and urgent,” was so heinous that even Moscow Mitch had to join in the unanimous vote in the Senate, calling for the release of the entire whistleblower report. 
Neither of these actual asshole/alternative presidents was able to win the popular vote before their first term.  One of them did not actually win the Electoral College and had to be illegally appointed by a partisan Supreme Court – who made clear their illegal, disgraceful decision in Bush v. Gore was never to be used as precedent in any future case.  Hopefully this current imposter and poor excuse for a sentient being will not be afforded a second term.
The Bush/Cheney regime was historically bad and dangerous.  Or so it seemed at the time.  Now we have a narcissistic, sociopathic megalomaniac the likes of which this country has never seen.  George W. Bush was a horrible president…on steroids.  Donald Chrump is a horrible president…on the brown acid.
Stay away from the brown acid and the Orange Gas Cloud
Yes, when you have the misfortune of seeing #43 these days, until the part of your brain that catalogues and on occasion involuntarily dredges up horrors and misery from days gone by recalls the inconceivable damage done by Bush the Younger, he seems an innocuous doofus.  But alas, time cannot, must not, dilute the high crimes and mass-demeanors committed by Bush/Cheney.  Ever.  Ultimately, trying to decide which is worse, #43 or #45, is the choice between being hog-tied and jettisoned into a festering cesspool that is 40 feet deep or into one that is 50 feet deep.  Your choice.
I. Mangrey remembering.  Carpe Dumbass!

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