Sunday, September 1, 2019

America: Gunned Down in Her Prime

Too Soon = Too Late

September 1, 2019

SURPRISE!  It’s too soon to talk about gun control again.  Five dead, 21 injured in our regularly scheduled mass shooting in Texas yesterday.  Ho hum.  Just your average blood-spattered day in the good old U.S. of A.

We always hear, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”  Even our esteemed leader, albeit armed with a decimal point before any of the numbers in his IQ, who spells his name wrong, agrees with this.  In fact, he said after the previous most-recent mass murder in Texas, “It’s not the gun that pulls the trigger, it’s the person.”  This of course was in response to the uproar over the August 3rd El Paso, Texas and August 4th Dayton, Ohio murder sprees, but well after the July 28th Gilroy, California mass killing.  Oddly enough, the one common denominator is something called guns.  You know, that about which nothing may be said.  Because, as always, it is too soon/too late.
Nobody can figure out why there is so much anger and gun violence.
Some people wonder if the Republican’ts can do anything…whatsoever.
Maybe we should make killing people illegal so people won’t do it anymore.  If that doesn’t work, then we need to outlaw people.  Or maybe just stop people from being allowed to have guns.  If the guns are just lying around, minding their own business, they will never be accomplices to murder.  Wait, you say it already is illegal to kill other people?  Even if you are white?  So, maybe it is laws that kill people.  Not guns, not people, not as Chris Rock brilliantly suggested – bullets, it must be laws.  Someone should take a good long look at that Second Amendment thing.  Or maybe it is Republican’ts who kill people by insisting guns are not the problem and refusing to interfere in any way with anyone’s God-given right to shoot large numbers of innocent people.  After all, their leader – Moscow Mitch – happily calls himself the Grim Reaper; that does not sound like someone who shuns the senseless murder of countless innocent people.

Naturally, new gun laws go into effect today in Texas.  Will these laws be a step in the right direction?  Will they put the brakes on senseless mass shootings?  Are you from outer space?  The new Texas laws make it easier to carry guns in foster homes, churches, schools, and presumably in the womb.  Texas needs to pass a law making it illegal to offer thoughts and prayers after every mass shooting that the state practically begs for.
Chrump still dreams of shooting someone on 5th Avenue
It is patently unfair to blame Donald Chrump for all of these mass shootings, it’s not like he is the one pulling the trigger just because he is a trigger.  It’s not like several of these shooters – the guys who actually did pull the triggers – explicitly named Chrump as inspiration for their heinous acts.  It’s not like he spews violent rhetoric everywhere he goes, or relentlessly encourages hatred of certain racially distinct groups while kidnapping and caging their children or deporting those who will die without the medical care they currently receive in this country, or promises to cover legal expenses for violent acts in his name, or anything like that.  It is not like he engenders a total lack of respect for the law by offering presidential pardons to those who would commit illegal acts that suit his purposes.
Artist’s rendering
I. Mangrey unarmed.  Think and pray...and then contact your elected representatives.

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