Wednesday, September 11, 2019


We Hold These Traitors to Be Self Evident

September 11, 2019
Donald Chrump, who recently congratulated Poland for being invaded by the Nazis, decided to commemorate the 18th anniversary of 9/11 by inviting the Taliban – yes, that Taliban – to join him at historic Camp David for a super-secret meeting, which Der Furor subsequently and suddenly told everyone (on Twitter of course) that he was cancelling.  One assumes that Mor-on-Lago was booked for the occasion; probably some Saudis who were learning how to fly, but not land planes nearby, had put money in Chrump’s pockets by taking up all the rooms.
Republican'ts have absolutely no loyalty to this country.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.  It's not just the Orange Gas Cloud either.  Let us not forget that Dick "I Shot A Guy In The Face and Made Him Apologize" Cheney outed a critically important CIA field operative as an act of revenge.  Valerie Plame's long career was brought to a screeching halt because her husband, Joseph Wilson uncovered the truth about Cheney's fraudulent claim that Saddam Hussein obtained yellow cake uranium from Niger.  You may recall that Cheney had his version of Mortimer Snerd – George W. Bush – include these infamous words in his 2003 State of The Union address: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”  The British government, as most people, including Cheney, had always known, had learned no such thing, and Joseph Wilson verified it.
Today's traitorous Republican'ts are sitting there with their thumbs, heads, and in some cases their upper torsos up their asses while their chosen one divulges who knows how many national security secrets to his Russian benefactors.
And then there’s Moscow Fucking Mitch McConnell.  McConnell has no love for anything but his power and his legacy.  His legacy, as it now stands, is the unrepentant, broad-daylight-theft of Barack Obama’s Supreme Court appointment of Merrick Garland to replace the appropriately departed, unconscionably horrible Antonin Scalia.  Garland, of course, was as bipartisan a choice as has ever been presented for nomination to the Court.  McConnell however, chose to flaunt all democratic protocol and brutally murder the nomination in its sleep.  In addition, McConnell stonewalled most of Obama’s rightful appointments to federal benches only to fast track the nominations that Moscow Mitch was waiting to install.  McConnell just needed the right patsy in the White House to carry out his court-packing.  McConnell’s appointments, many of whom would not be fit to hear elevator music, let alone a court case.  This is not hyperbole.  Many of these nominees were less qualified than your basic sea cucumber.
Thanks to Captain Loose-lips Chrump, in 2017 the CIA had to extract a prized, high-level spy (and his family) from Russia after one of Chrump’s earliest breaches of national security.  Shortly after his justice-obstructing firing of James Comey, Chrump shared some laughs and some state secrets with the Russian Foreign Minister and Ambassador (who many Chrump underlings – including Jeff Sessions – met with during the campaign and subsequently lost all memory of any such meetings), both know to moonlight as agents of Vladimir Putin.  Right after that, the CIA rescued their Russian asset from Putin’s revenge.  The operative was informing US intelligence about Russian interference with the 2016 election.  Naturally, replacing such a highly placed operative will take years, if not decades, if even possible.  Thanks Obama.
The only things Chrump was able, or even tried to keep secret were his affairs, and ultimately that did not turn out all that well for the Orange One.  At least those disclosures did not threaten global stability…or did they?
All of this without mentioning the decades-long efforts to disenfranchise embarrassingly large numbers of minority, i.e., Democratic voters.
I. Mangrey recuperating (not really). 

And don’t even get me started on their racist, misogynist, anti-voting, pro-corporation Supreme Court majority.

1 comment:

  1. And now Ms Plame is running for office. Go get em, Valerie!
