Thursday, September 12, 2019

Moscow Mitch

The Old, The Bad, and The Ugly

September 12, 2019
Apparently, the man who delights in killing any legislation that might help people, and proudly proclaimed himself The "Grim Reaper" of such legislation, does not like being called out for what he actually does.  He does not like being called Moscow Mitch.  McConnell’s protestations notwithstanding, it appears that his new nickname is very well deserved.
Forget about Bonnie and Clyde.  Almost 100 years after the miscreant media darlings grabbed the headlines and various amounts of cash during their crime spree, America has a much more insidious couple of crooks.  Moscow Mitch McConnell and his wife – Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao – are robbing Kentucky and America blind, and they do not even need guns.  Despite the fact that Moscow Mitch can have all the guns he wants at discount prices since he is an employee of the NRA, he and his criminal wife are bilking us with their bare hands.
Chao, who lied about divesting herself from her asphalt manufacturing company, and has significant ties to Chinese businesses, appears to be entangled in Russian money.  One imagines this is one reason McConnell is so reticent to interfere with Russia interfering with our elections, so long as they interfere on behalf of Republican’ts. 
Mitchie and Chao

All Bonnie and Clyde did was stick up a bunch of rural gas stations, stores and the occasional bank.  Mitchie and Chao are running roughshod over the entire nation, raking in untold millions from all of us.  In addition, though Moscow Mitch is not pulling any triggers himself – he does after all possess insufficient hand strength to do so – he is ensuring that untold numbers of innocent people will be senselessly shot to death by doing his Grim Reaper act with any vote on sensible gun legislation in the Senate, something that has already been passed by the House.  Bang up job Mitch. 

A song about Moscow Mitch
Elaine Chao did not sell her shares in Vulcan Materials – the largest U.S. supplier of stone, sand, and gravel for road-paving – despite promising to divest herself once appointed to a cabinet post.  These people are shameless.  According to our sources, when Chao was confronted with this effrontery, she replied, “Let them eat gravel.  I know where they can get a good price.  Just kidding, it's going to cost a bundle.”
As is so common with Republican’t politicians, their allegiance is not to the United States of America, but to their own wealth and power.  Mostly, it seems, their wealth.  It is as if they feel cheated out of the big money they crave because of their jobs.  I am willing to wager that no one has ever done it better than Donald Chrump, but Moscow Mitch is clearly no slouch.
At least he’s not a fucking Nazi…right?
This might seem naïve, but it also might bear remembering that the job description of which we speak is “public servant.”  If the job you were so desperate to have is not to your liking as designed and described – everyone knows what the job entails – then get the fuck out of the way.  Get another job.  And, I do not mean that after you have wasted our time and taxpayer money pretending to be in Congress, you should become a lobbyist who can then turn around and help your replacement in government follow in your fouled footsteps.  Please do the right thing; turn yourselves in, beg your constituents’ forgiveness, and spend some quality time in the state pen.  If there is anything I can do to help, just ask.
Moscow Mitch McConnell is a festering boil on the body politic and needs to be lanced forthwith. 
I. Mangrey reporting.  My brain hurts.

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