Monday, September 2, 2019

Turning Ploughshares Into Corpses

Guns And Buttheads

September 2, 2019

“It’s a big problem.  It’s a mental problem, it’s a big problem.”
Donald Trump, September 1, 2019, after blathering on
and lying endlessly about doing something about gun violence.

I have to admit that I am starting to come around to the theory that mental illness is responsible for all these mass shootings in America.  My take might not be exactly what all the firearm fetishists have in mind though. 
Moscow Mitch McConnell and his Republican’t/NRA minions, including Dumb Donald, would have you believe that all these shooters are mentally ill.  But, it is Triple M and his gun-loving goons who are mentally disturbed.  Oh sure, the shooters might be 40 or 50 cards short of a full deck, but without the help of the mentally malfunctioning legislators, who to be fair owe their very existence to the gun lobby, these cortically crippled murderers would not have such easy access to weapons of mass murder and mayhem.
Let us not forget that the first order of business of the current administration was passing a law that made it easier for mentally ill people to legally own guns.  So tell me, who seems less mentally competent here?
As is often the case, there is much wringing of hands over the fact that we do not know the reason for a particular episode of mass murder.  The only reason we need to know is a simple, well-worn four-letter word: GUNS.
Just so we understand, the same deranged doofuses who refuse to acknowledge the existence of the increasingly palpable and damaging climate crisis, refuse to admit to the obvious gun crisis.  Our government will not allow research into gun violence in America.  One cannot help but wonder, why the fuck not?
Then there is Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council – classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2010 – a birther who believed (believes?) Barack Obama was a Muslim, who weighed in after this latest Texas shooting spree, “We've taught our kids they come about through chance through primordial slime and then we're surprised they treat their fellow Americans like dirt!  It's time we talk about the result of the left's systematic march through our institutions, driving religious expression from the public square.  Perkins complained that children are not being taught that they are "created in the image of God.  He added, “We've driving religion from our public life and we're shocked that we no longer have morality and we no longer value human life.”  Yeah, that’s the problem.
Same shit, different day, another mass murder brought to you by your Republican’t friends in Washington, DC and the NRA.
Finally, we have Beto O’Rourke’s raw, hot take, “Not sure how many gunmen. Not sure how many people have been shot. Don’t know how many people have been killed [or] the condition of those who have survived.  Don’t know what the motivation is. Do not yet know the firearms that were used or how they acquired them.  But we do know this is fucked up.  We do know that this has to stop in our country.  There is no reason that we have to accept this as our fortune, as our future, as our fate.”

Unfortunately, not all of us know that this is fucked up.
I. Mangrey repeating.

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